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  1. R

    Why is KB4056892 Foobar'ng my Surface Pro 4?

    I received a surface pro 4 today from a user that would go into a WHEA_Uncorrectable Error at login. Sometimes right away, sometimes after a minute or two. I diag'd the thing for hours testing everything. It would even blow up in Safe Mode. Eventually I re-installed windows fresh and after a...
  2. R

    Surface Pro 4 freaked out WHEA_Uncon (now only shows 4gb ram)

    So I'm getting a little more information. I let the surface take some updates and it was working without issue. On the last round it installed KB4056892 and failed all the other updates, so on that cycle the one update is what was installed. Right after the reboot for that update the failures...
  3. R

    Surface Pro 4 freaked out WHEA_Uncon (now only shows 4gb ram)

    Your are correct. I looked again and it said 128GB. So this unit probably does only have 4GB of memory. Seems like such a low number these days. So back to my problems. Since he brought me the surface I have seen lots of WHEA_uncorrectable_error with nothing after. I have seen something...
  4. R

    Surface Pro 4 freaked out WHEA_Uncon (now only shows 4gb ram)

    My brother brought me his Microsoft Surface Pro 4 this week. It's been running fine (win 10). Then all of a sudden it started crashing with WHEA_Uncorrectable error. It would boot for a few seconds after login and then finally fail. I tried everything I could, checked HD, Memory, booted into...