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    Advanced Instructions for Surface Handwriting Keyboard

    Nice find @Wevenhuis -thank you!
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    Advanced Instructions for Surface Handwriting Keyboard

    Thank you all for your help. From what it seems, there are limited gestures available with the pen in the handwriting panel, which appear to be limited to only: Delete: (Cross out the letter or word by drawing a line from right to left which was the one I discovered) Join: (Create an arc...
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    Advanced Instructions for Surface Handwriting Keyboard

    Hi Sharpuser, Thanks again for your reply, but I think you've misunderstood my initial request. I've already figured out how to backspace (be it accidentally). :) I'm wanting to know where Microsoft publishes information about these gestures? Or if anyone else has? I'm guessing that there's...
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    Advanced Instructions for Surface Handwriting Keyboard

    Hi Sharpuser, I'd love to write up a compilation of more advanced stuff - if I had the information - but I don't know where to find out more information about the advanced features / functions / gestures to learn first? I've been looking for a solid week so far - and haven't even found a single...
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    Advanced Instructions for Surface Handwriting Keyboard

    Hi all, I was wondering if someone can please point me in the right direction. I have been searching for the last week trying to find detailed information on the use of the Surface Handwriting keyboard and I'm only going around in circles: I have found plenty of online tips as to it's very...