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  1. G

    Connecting to a Smart TV

    ...and staying connected! I watch a lot of shows/movies on my SP3 and I like to project them onto my 60" Samsung Smart TV. Seems like every time I try to connect (win+k) to my TV I have to disconnect (remove device) the TV then reconnect. Anyone have an easy fix?
  2. G

    SP3 new screen

    I've been looking at refurbs (certified refurbs) The thought of doing the work myself seems like a nightmare, even after I've watched about a dozen how-to vids. Don't know if I have the patience to do it myself. Local computer guy won't touch it. Cost to have it done professionally is a ton and...
  3. G

    Keyboards not working

    I very very carefully washed it...per MS directions and I guess I wasn't careful enough. Anyone have any suggestions or maybe a OEM keyboard that works great and doesn't set me back $100+?
  4. G

    Blue Screen of Death - SP3

    I only have a 8GB thumb....can probably borrow a friends if need-be. I DL what I need from my PC, stick it in the SP3...I assume I need to boot from the USB, not sure how to do that. Not as computer savy as I used to be!
  5. G

    Blue Screen of Death - SP3

    I get the Surface boot screen then the blue screen. Can't do anything from there.