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  1. Earth_2

    Jittering screen on Surface Pro 4

    I actually had to do just that: I got it replaced, under warranty, in a different country than the one I purchased it in. My attempt at doing a factory reset didn't fix anything, much to my frustration. I restored onto the new computer from the disk image, extra partitions and all, and it's...
  2. Earth_2

    Jittering screen on Surface Pro 4

    Well, the controller firmware has successfully updated, and sure enough, the jittering persists. I guess I'll try backing up my entire disk and doing a factory reset as GreyFox7 suggested (will it let me restore everything back to where it was, if I want it to?)
  3. Earth_2

    Jittering screen on Surface Pro 4

    I got my Surface Pro 4 about 3 months ago, and until a few days ago it has been working pretty much perfectly. However, within the last few days, I've had this really irritating headache-inducing problem where the bottom three-quarters of the screen jitters and shakes up and down slightly...