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  1. Friendly

    SP4 Mechanical Dock

    PM me Roach, and nobody will hear a word... :rolleyes: I'm concerned about the SP4 dock, as it's rife with bad review saying the dual DisplayPort doesn't deliver and is rife with conflict's, exceptions and is very picky with the monitors it will work with. o_O
  2. Friendly

    'special' MS Surface email domain?

    well, if there is anyone here that has a bug in Microsoft's ear about their Surface products...mebe drop this idea! ;)
  3. Friendly

    'special' MS Surface email domain?

    you know how Mac gave out '' emails to Apple users, I wonder if MS has anything for their Surface adopters? I haven't heard anything, so it's likely a pipe dream, but wouldn't that be kinda cool? club/associate member email for the MS devoted? :cool:
  4. Friendly

    SP4 Mechanical Dock

    I wonder if anyone knows if a mechanical dock is coming out for the SP4? I'm not too keen on the USB port replicator they have available currently. :confused:
  5. Friendly

    Need a bluetooth mouse without a USB dongle

    yeh, I was thinking to myself that even if a mouse were to come with a USB dongle, it's Bt, not RF, you can still connect...that's what Bt does! :)
  6. Friendly

    fastest microSD card for SP4?

    not sure if the SP4 has any special reader, but I'd like to know what it's fastest read/write speeds are theoretically and then what microSD cards are available to take advantage of that. I intend to store my data on the card, so as to not run out of space on the native 128GB SSD. while speed...
  7. Friendly

    greetings & salutations!

    I just received my Surface Pro 4 & type cover today. I haven't fired it up yet, too late in the evening before I've got to crash, but I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction to get a good protective case for it (with it's own kick stand). Is a screen protector a good idea...