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  1. M

    The Surface Book Saga

    - My credit card insurance finally reimbursed the original surfacePro3 in full. For the new one ... still no sign of a replacement... almost 40 days since my "advanced replacement" was to ship...
  2. M

    The Surface Book Saga

    I am trying to get reimbursed by my credit card insurance but that has been a struggle also :-) I purchased the tablet in Canada at Best Buy. They don't offer the Microsoft warranty, only their own which costs $30 per month (seems less expensive now :-). That's why I purchased the surface book...
  3. M

    The Surface Book Saga

    - I purchased a Surface Pro 3 (512G/i7) in October. Three weeks later, it fell on the floor in the library and the screen shattered. Sent it for repairs, came back "irreparable". - Wanting a replacement, I ordered a Surface Book 256GB/i7 on November 2nd. - It arrived 3 weeks later in Nov 25...