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  1. R

    Daily bluescreen

    Any hints on how to open a support request. The MS Surface support website is a bit broken: the chat agent window doesn't open, or (despite being within the service times) the service is unavailable. It's like they don't *want* to hear about my problems ;)
  2. R

    Daily bluescreen

    I've had the following, all of which I managed to take photos of. I've also had a few more (4 or so) that I didn't photograph. ATTEMPTED_EXECUTE_OF_NONEXECUTE_MEMORY KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED (x 4) DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP (x 2) INTERRUPT_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED...
  3. R

    Daily bluescreen

    Does anyone else suffer from this? Brand new Surface Pro 3, i7 with 512GB storage. Every day, when I first try to use it, I get two or three blue screens in a row. Eventually it settles down. I suspect this may be related to restoring from hibernate. It's not really good enough: Microsoft...