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  1. F

    Clipping pics from PDF to OneNote

    Thanks guys, trying it out now. The metro version really is quite limited, but id imagine "quick and simple" really is its point after all.
  2. F

    Clipping pics from PDF to OneNote

    Hey guys! Just picked up a 256gb sp3 and I'm loving every minute with it. I do a good amount of work with pdfs and would love to have them open with OneNote, clipping sections of text directly into an existing OneNote doc. Is this possible? I'm still adjusting to it and don't know all the...
  3. F

    Wireless screen sharing between PCs

    I am in a situation where I would appreciate the flexibility of walking into a room, connecting my sp3 to a projector-synced desktop and screen share a presentation/onenote "whiteboard" presentation. I have seen third party apps, but they require installation on both ends. Is there anything...