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  1. E

    New SP4 firmware out

    Sleep state unreliable, showing often only black screen when trying to wake up. Face recognition stuck a couple of times, keeps on glowing red but nothing else happens on screen. I returned to using hibernation only.
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    New Firmware Update 9/29

    YES! - Reliability and stability! What could be more stabile and reliable than rock solid. A rock: unmovable, unchangeable, reliable, predictable, a solid piece of work!
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    New Firmware Update 9/29

    Are there others who have succeeded using mickey36736's method?
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    Post Your SP3 WiFi/Internet Issues Here

    The same redemption story about changing Marvell's latest, nonfunctional wi-fi driver to a Marvell's Dec 2014 version, with some additional notes: After changing in my SP3 Win 10 the Marvell driver version 15.68.3091.193 to an older one 15.68.3073.151, dated 12/22/14, which I downloaded from...
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    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Consider it as my personal frustration projected unnecessarily to you ! Cheers!
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    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    You really should have hesitations recommending it, especially after seeing how massive amounts of users have bumped against the brick wall trying to install it.
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    please tell me theres an easier way of taking screenshots in metro

    Yes, all other screen capture programs feel so archaic compared to Snagit's easy and extensive capabilities.