Search results

  1. H

    Ubuntu 16.04/10 easy installation?

    Somebody has already done all of the work. Search google for "Linux Mint on Surface Pro 3". You will stumple on an github page where somebody has put everything together and created an ISO image. I´ll gave that a try last week. Everything works execpt for multi-touch. Edit: Ah, Ubuntu. Saw that...
  2. H

    Do I Need Additional Antivirus Protection for Surface Pro 3?

    I´m also using only the Windows Defender on my Desktops, and MSE on my WHS. I tried Bitdefender once, but there have been to many false alarms from that one. Tools I wrote by myself where shown to me as virus.... Great work... And everybody always tells there is not much impact on performance...
  3. H

    SF3 isn't replacing my 5 yr old laptop

    So for your malware or virus, the only good recomendation would be a complete re-installation of your surface. From an uninfected source, not the recovery partition. At least that would be what I would do... And for the antivirus: Since Windows 7 I use the Microsoft Security Essentials (changed...
  4. H

    Gaming on a SP3

    Well, I also was thinking about playing on my surface. But then I decided to keep playing games on my desktop computer as before. For me there is one very big reason: Heating up the surface. Over the years with ususal computers, I found out that the "creme" (sorry, I´m german) between CPU and...
  5. H

    SP3 with i5 overheating

    What I found out on mine: When the Communications Service, (Microsofts MailApp) is active, the device gets a lot of cpu load and therefore heat, fan - the ususal...
  6. H

    New sp3: recommend antivirus?

    For some time I used Microsoft Security Essentials on Win7 and the Defender on Win8/8.1. So on the SFP3 it will also be only Defender. I never had a virus problem. But ok, I´m not using warez or surfing on suspicious websites.
  7. H

    Microsoft Account & OneDrive

    Thanks. I feared that a complete sync will block my complete account and no more space left for tbe files which i need to have on onedrive.
  8. H

    Microsoft Account & OneDrive

    Hi people, I´m new to the surface (received it yesterday evening) and I have a question about the OneDrive Options. For the first time I used a Microsoft Account on my Windows (Win 8 on desktop I use since it was released, but always and only with local account) and this switched on the...