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  1. M

    30 day is all it took to break the glass

    I'm not certain it was a manufacturing defect at all. It may be simply a weakness in the design that my usage exposed. I tend to think that handling the SP3 the way I did...separating it from the keyboard by grabbing the top of the tablet...and the force I suspect I used time and time again to...
  2. M

    Best PDF Editor/Annotator?

    I'll post a PDF I edited so you have an idea what the final edited PDF looks like. I'm not familiar with annotate PDF Here is a screenshot of a PDF I annotated recently. Maybe there is a way to raise contrast but you can see that using the pen tool with a light color yellow has the same...
  3. M

    Best PDF Editor/Annotator?

    I'll post a PDF I edited so you have an idea what the final edited PDF looks like. You can highlight on the fly whatever text you want. Will post in a moment.
  4. M

    Best PDF Editor/Annotator?

    Drawboard is what I've been using since I got the SP3. Trial runs for 3 days I think. Flattens annotations nicely, pen integration is very well thought out. Works like a charm for me. I annotate research pdfs all the time and it's been a fantastic addition.
  5. M

    Which updates to uninstall and install

    Thanks Leeshor. All the talk of overheating and WiFi issues and all that made me think I missed something earth shattering while I was using my SP2. I've not had any real problems (I mean, it got pretty hot while siting in my lap 2 days ago) but wasn't certain if the advice to uninstall some...
  6. M

    Which updates to uninstall and install

    After an unexpected and disappointing break on my first SP3, MSFT complete coverage sent me a replacement SP3 fairly quickly. In the interim there have been updates from MSFT which seems to make things worse and I've seen links and articles on ZDNet about MSFT recommending uninstalling updates...
  7. M

    30 day is all it took to break the glass

    I tend to agree with you. I think my assumption was the Surface was too durable and therefore I wasn't overly concerned about a case until I found the the right wasn't as it I was throwing the thing around though...not whatsoever, perhaps not a manufacturing defect then but a design...
  8. M

    30 day is all it took to break the glass

    Cracked right at the microphone while I was holding stated above, in my arm like a notebook. Thanks for posting Henning. Glad to know I wasn't the only one. As Henning said, don't grab the surface by the top...period...ever...
  9. M

    30 day is all it took to break the glass

    I'm still kind of in shock about it Frank. I know there are a ton of factors that could have come into play and certainly admit a folio probably would have remove most if not all of them. The process you'd go through to grab, pick up, move the SP3 in a folio would just be different, but...
  10. M

    30 day is all it took to break the glass

    I have the Keyboard cover for it, but it wasn't on there when I picked it up. It was just resting against the inside of my arm like you would hold a magazine or a newspaper. But yep, it shattered right around what I assume is one of the weakest points on the screen, the hole for the mic and...
  11. M

    Joining network domain affects sign-in

    For my work Surface Pro 3, I changed to the "picture password" to log in. Not sure how long your password is, but I found in incredibly difficult to type that dang thing in every time it went to sleep...but I didn't want to extend the idle time before it went to sleep because I'm often up from...
  12. M

    30 day is all it took to break the glass

    Fairly robust Surface Pro 3 user. I used a SP2 and my daughter uses an SP1 for school. Replaced my work laptop with a Surface Pro 3 just over a month ago and found it incredibly flexible and it dropped right into the workflow I always wanted with my laptop. It completely integrated into my...