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  1. O

    Should i give the Surface a new try ?

    No offense but it makes no sense. I'm not allowed to set the brightness i want and i have to manually try compensate screens defects adjusting contrast in order to use a 1000+ devices correctly ? that's the point of this thread !
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    Should i give the Surface a new try ?

    All the sp3 I had were more or less like this , some of them even worse, that's why i'm asking about this.
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    Should i give the Surface a new try ?

    Every quality devices that i have ever had in my life had a much less bleeding then all the sp3 i had, even if they are less expensive, this is not ips glow wich is 100% accettable, this is pure bleeding :c I'll make it simple, those are 2 photo of my last sp3, not the worst , not the best I...
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    Should i give the Surface a new try ?

    I was forced to gived up with the sp3, now i'm asking about the sp4 sice, well, i really like it !
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    Should i give the Surface a new try ?

    Hi guyz, i'm asking you a simple question, should i give a new chance to the Surface ? I bought the Surface Pro 3 at day one and before being forced to sell it a couple of months later i sent it to microsoft around 7-8 times w/out receiving a single devices that was "in my opinion" at least...
  6. O

    Is my surface up to date ?

    Hi guys, i have a little and fast question, intel driver and graphic control panel are a must on my surface, I think that the default color calibration is extremely bad and i found a great one provided by a guy that has a very cool c. calibration device but i have a little problem. Sice i...
  7. O

    Well, this is enought, no more Surfaces for me.

    Assuming that a defective display is simply bad, regardless of the fact that the defect does not bother you, and I think is a very important point to be specified, standards are not something that is decided by the manufacturer, they are marked by what the advancement of technology imposes. If...
  8. O

    Well, this is enought, no more Surfaces for me.

    As I said, we have clearly different standards and expectations. I can not even trying to convince myself that a defective display "yes, because this is a defect, and you can not argue about it" can be called a high quality one :/
  9. O

    Well, this is enought, no more Surfaces for me.

    What I expect is just a MINIMUM quality level in the expensive product I purchased 5 months ago. I can expect and tolerated this in a 199€ tablet from a supermarket, not from a high end devices "even from a medium or standard one" Btw I spoke with what looked like a young boy, he said me that...
  10. O

    Well, this is enought, no more Surfaces for me.

    Well i'm not a Twitter user but i'll try ! Thank you for your tip. I tried many times but as a customer i'm not "allowed" to talk to someone other than the' customer support. Another strong demonstration of the low quality service offered from.
  11. O

    Well, this is enought, no more Surfaces for me.

    I have many devices and display, and honestly, no one has this defect so strongly As i told you bleeding It 'a characteristic of low quality devices or panels, there is nothing to say about it :/ Again, the fact that this problem don't bother you means nothing about the problem itself. For...
  12. O

    Well, this is enought, no more Surfaces for me.

    It could be bleeding, i could be a reflection i don't know. What i can see from you picture "you took the photo at right angles to the display?" is that your display is much more uniform than mine, wich is a problem of detachment . By the way if you can see it by watching a movie or using the...
  13. O

    Well, this is enought, no more Surfaces for me.

    Tomorrow moring i'll call them,since they do not seem very cooperative chatting. I also wrote in their forum, according to you is taken into account...
  14. O

    Well, this is enought, no more Surfaces for me.

    We have different use, so what? This does not make it an issue less important or negligible. I spent 1000€ for this, i want to be able to watch a movie or to work in low light condition. The question is, Can I ask for a refund even if they are past few months?
  15. O

    Well, this is enought, no more Surfaces for me.

    You really looked at the screen that I sent? The problem that i show before in during boot appear in every black screen during normal usage, a video, a movie, programs, game. :/ And I would just remember, we're talking about a niche product, VERY expensive that makes quality its strong point.
  16. O

    Well, this is enought, no more Surfaces for me.

    Well, it's not my fault if i had to try so many times to have "to do not have" a working device. I have a more than thorough knowledge of what we are saying and I do not think a problem of tuning, and since I do not believe in bad luck, this is just a low quality production. This is bigger size...
  17. O

    Well, this is enought, no more Surfaces for me.

    Hi guys, I have written many times in this forum but probably this will be the last one but i would like to have your opinion. I bought my SP3 128Gb at Italian "dayone", that if I am not mistaken it was towards the end of August and from that day I changed exactly 5 surface for many problems...
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    Laggy game from the store

    i have i5 4gb version ...
  19. O

    Laggy game from the store

    Hi guys, today i forced myself to use my sp3 more as a tablet and i downloaded a few app and games from the store but i noticed some problems in 2 games out of 2. I downloaded Rayman fiesta wich is totally unplayable on my sp3, it run at around 10-15 fps and it looks like a slowmotion video...