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  1. impulse

    What a Gem I Have Stumbled Upon?

    Thank you very much, that is my first bookmark on my sp3
  2. impulse

    keep getting calls from microsoft store support about my surface pro 3

    That is definitely odd, the concern is warranted.
  3. impulse

    Add GodMode to Your Surface Running Windows 8 or 8.1

    Awesome feature, I got to tweak several options that I had no clue about, very useful.
  4. impulse

    keep getting calls from microsoft store support about my surface pro 3

    I ordered my SP3 and so I proceeded to confirm the shipping date so I gave Microsoft Support a call and before the call ended she asked if I would be okay to her calling me about my order making sure its okay and to offer me the protection plan for the SP3. She did give me a call the other day...
  5. impulse

    What a Gem I Have Stumbled Upon?

    Hello to all squirrels, I received my SP3 256/i5 earlier today and have essentially concluded downloading programs and whatnot. I have been lurking around these forums for quite the while as I researched and debated and weighed and almost went with a MBP... alas my rigorous journey has now...