Search results

  1. FlySwatter

    Mirror Screen to Amazon FireTV

    For only $25, I ordered a stick from Best Buy. Eventually, it will most likely be compatible with the SP3, and I already have a RocketFish that is. The additional functionality of the Fire Stick for half the price of the dedicated solution makes it a bargain for ME, but for someone who needs...
  2. FlySwatter

    can't wait to buy surface pro 4

    I bought a 2 year warranty, because I finally feel like I have a portable solution that will serve me for 2 years and keep me off the tablet/notebook merry go round I was on previously. In 2 years, I'll see what's available, and my guess is that the landscape will be very different -- in a good way.
  3. FlySwatter

    Surface Pro 3 Tips & Tricks

    If carry space is not a problem, pick up one of those small 2" diameter speakers. They create excellent sound in a small size. You can usually get one in the $20 range, even bluetooth if you catch one on sale. Otherwise, the SP3 speakers are what they are -- not that great.
  4. FlySwatter

    Woo Hoo. Stickerboy skins for the Surface Pro 3 (now Surface Pro 4)

    No, but if you aren't careful, you can tear or distort the skin if it's a thin area. The skins are made to be removable and and re-applied if desired.
  5. FlySwatter

    Resolutions - Destroying my eyesight!

    But no add-on support for Modern IE right? Last Pass for instance is not an option for the Metro version, correct?
  6. FlySwatter

    Poll Returned SP3: received new or refurb unit?

    It came in a simple cardboard coffin, so obviously a refurb. Looks brand new and I've never had a moments trouble with the replacement. More than I can say for the original unit that died a half hour after it was powered on.
  7. FlySwatter

    Solved 5GHz Wifi

    Good for you! ...both in expanding your remediation efforts outside of the SP3 hardware and reporting back to us on a problem solved.
  8. FlySwatter

    Solved 5GHz Wifi

    I also use 5ghz daily, and the speed difference between it and 2.4 is very significant. I use a Western Digital N900 router.
  9. FlySwatter

    onenote audio recording quality *urgent

    That looks like a pretty nice solution and was well rated.
  10. FlySwatter

    Surface Pro 3 Accessories

    MIME seems to be popular. It is discussed with postive remarks in this thread: Appears sold out on their site at the moment: Also...
  11. FlySwatter

    Poll Yellow streak poll (Model + Lot #)

    Agreed, there should be no line. BUT, there's also no such thing as a perfect product run, and the tighter you get on specs, the more room there is for imperfection. 35% of people polled on this forum have the line. That in no way represents the real world percentage of owners. I'd be really...
  12. FlySwatter

    Keep charger in when at home?

    Monday through Friday, I take my Surface to work and use it without a power supply. I have the power supply in my laptop case "juuusst in case" (but have never needed it). When I get home, I plug it in and leave on my desk -- plugged in, connected standby -- until the next morning. I usually...
  13. FlySwatter

    My type cover wakes up SP3 when closed. Why?

    Lucky duck! I'd roll a hobo for a free power adapter.
  14. FlySwatter

    How Secure is Your Keyboard Pen Loop?

    I don't disagree with your statement. I'm suggesting, there's an out-side-the-box solution that hasn't been thought of. The flat mouse broke the paradigm of a mouse with a static form factor. A similar paradigm shift that has not yet been perceived can resolve the current method of just sticking...
  15. FlySwatter

    My type cover wakes up SP3 when closed. Why?

    Good news! Hopefully, they will be agreeable to let you upgrade for the difference in price. It certainly wouldn't seem to be any harm to them.
  16. FlySwatter

    How Secure is Your Keyboard Pen Loop?

    "Laws of Physics, my old nemesis... we meet again!" I could personally easily use a smaller pen, as I write with regular ones daily (pencil diameter ink pens), but I concede that the current size seems to be a popular diameter for most users out there. However, I will end with this: Microsoft...
  17. FlySwatter

    How Secure is Your Keyboard Pen Loop?

    If MS doesn't eventually (as in the next Surface) find a way to incorporate the pen storage as part of the tablet build itself, via a hole in the top from where it can be ejected/extracted, thus not altering the tablet form factor at all, I will consider that an epic fail on their part. I now...
  18. FlySwatter

    Poll Yellow streak poll (Model + Lot #)

    No streak on my I7/256GB. No lot number since my original DOA replacement was received in a self-return coffin (unless there's a place on the unit itself to obtain that info).
  19. FlySwatter

    Leather Folio cover - found a nice one

    That's great to hear. Thanks for correcting me. The ones I got from Decal Girl for my SP1 were front and rear only, so they've obviously stepped up their game.
  20. FlySwatter

    Leather Folio cover - found a nice one

    The Black Ostrich is probably your best bet for practicality -- grip, in your case. It's the most textured. Sharpcolorado posted several photos of this version in a post here: