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  1. M

    Unable to insert new nib into SP3 pen

    Ahhhh thank you I didn't see the fine print with regards to 'single side button'. That's a shame though because I prefer having two buttons over the one that comes with the SP4.
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    Unable to insert new nib into SP3 pen

    So my nib order from MS arrived today but none of the new nibs will fully insert into my SP3 pen. I saw the user reviews on the MS store stating that this nib package won't work with the SP3 pen but I also saw replies from MS saying that they will. For the life of me I can't get the new nibs...
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    CPU always utilized with latest update

    There was an update today on my SP3 but unfortunately the CPU/fan problem still exists.
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    CPU always utilized with latest update

    Any word on when this is going to trickle out to the masses? My SP3 is virtually unusable on battery because of this problem.
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    CPU always utilized with latest update

    That's awesome! Thanks for the headsup.
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    CPU always utilized with latest update

    My SP3 automatically updated to build 14393.105 and ever since then the CPU + blaring fan has been running continuously even when it's sitting idle. Am I stuck with this until MS releases another patch or is there something I can do to fix this myself?
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    Touch gestures in Internet Explorer or Edge in Windows 10?

    You're not alone, I too miss the touch gestures that were in IE Metro under Win 8.1 I really hop MS brings them back as they were perfect for casual web browsing on the couch. I did find this: How to Get Touch Internet Explorer in Windows 10 I don't know if it works because I rolled back...
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    Windows 10...not impressed.

    I love Win 10 on my desktop PC but, IMO, they totally borked the touch experience on the Surface Pro so much so I rolled back to 8.1 on my SP3.
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    how bad is "hey cortana" feature on battery life?

    Man that sucks to hear as I loved using IE metro on my SP3 when using it as a tablet on the couch. Is it possible they'll bring swiping to Edge?
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    Anyone else have no interest in upgrading their SP3 to Win 10?

    Can you tell me how you did this? Is it a matter of right clicking and shutting down the multiple Chrome applications in the task manager or is there more to it?
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    can't wait to buy surface pro 4

    You guys like the short iteration cylces of the Surface Pro? I'd much rather have something like 2 years between versions so I don't feel like I'm stuck with an obsolete machine when version x comes out xx months later.
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    Urban Armor Gear Black Case Review with Pics

    Have you had any heat issues with that case attached to your SP3?
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    Metro unresponsive upon after booting SP3 up

    I'm running with the i7 SP3 and on occasion the metro UI will be completely frozen and unresponsive to either my finger and keyboard/touchpad input. I can still move the mouse arrow around on metro but I can't launch any apps or scroll the UI about to other parts of the screen. I don't think...
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    onenote audio recording quality *urgent

    I can vouch for this mic as I used it extensively back when I was taking classes. It's a fantastic quality mic for the price and I highly recommend it for lectures.
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    Post Your SP3 Power/Battery/Charging Issues Here

    After using my SP3 last night in bed I closed the cover and left it unplugged thinking it would go to sleep. This morning I plug it in and power on the device and it boots into Windows just fine but then shuts down without the shutdown screen. My screen simply went black. I boot it up again...
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    Solved The tablet that can replace your laptop - It is not a lie!

    Grr I meant to answer yes it has replaced my laptop but I can't change my answer
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    [Update] Will your Hardware/Software issues be resolved today? Perhaps

    Grrr, my i7 just overheated and shut down during the installation of the updates. It's done this before with the last big update too. Interestingly I can take my i7 SP3 outside where it's 90 degrees + in the shade and use it just fine with no overheating at all while web browsing and...
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    Bah! My i7 SP3 just overheated on me for the first time while doing a factory refresh. I turned it back on and the refresh continued with no problems but I'm curious as to why refresh process caused an overheat given that I have gamed on this and have had it out doors in 90+ heat (web...
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    does your surface get hot just browsing?

    Is this for desktop IE or will it work for metro IE too?
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    does your surface get hot just browsing?

    I've noticed the exact same thing as well with my i7 SP3. Powering off and then on to resume my browsing takes care of the heat issue but from time to time I still need to reboot it.