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  1. T

    Surface Pro 3 advice

    Unfortunately, you're pretty much SOL. I'm based in the Philippines too (although I occasionally fly to Canada about once a year) and had to get my iPhone 5 replaced in Canada last year because none of the Apple retailers could honor the warranty. Just do your best to take care of it if you do...
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    Something is wrong with my Metro IE.. is it just me?

    After spending most of the afternoon/evening trying to diagnose and fix this problem (wiping out everything, doing a complete system restore, etc.) to no avail, I've finally fixed the damn problem. Going into the desktop version of IE, all I had to do was go to Compatibility View settings and...
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    Something is wrong with my Metro IE.. is it just me?

    Thanks for trying to help anyway!
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    Something is wrong with my Metro IE.. is it just me?

    Unfortunately all that does is render a smaller version of the same pictures as above, the layout is still all messed up :'(
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    Something is wrong with my Metro IE.. is it just me?

    No tricks. I just happen to browse a lot of marketing-related websites for my business and those sites came up. The 3rd one is a little suspect but Backlinko and Pat Flynn's sites are 100% legit. Either way, it's so weird that mine renders completely different!! Here's what they look like on my...
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    Something is wrong with my Metro IE.. is it just me?

    It seemed to happen all of a sudden for reasons unknown, but when I click on Instagram links from Twitter nothing shows up if I'm using Metro IE. More websites I casually click on don't render properly either. No idea how to solve this -- anybody got any similar issues? I'll update this post...
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    Heat - back right corner

    Whenever the fans are running amok, check your task manager to see what process is causing it. I found that the search indexing was causing my SP3 to go crazy whenever I was downloading a torrent so I disabled that particular folder and haven't really had much heat problems since then.
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    Does Keyboard Wrap/Fold Around?

    That's awesome, never thought about doing that. Thanks so much for the tip!
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    Surface Pro 3 Tips & Tricks

    Ooh, great tip. Thanks. I've re-enabled it and removed my download folders from my libraries, hopefully that'll fix the issue. EDIT: Looks like that did the trick! Indexing still on, but CPU % is still below 5% even while downloading. Thanks!
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    Surface Pro 3 Tips & Tricks

    Another trick: Metro IE doesn't allow extensions, but using Tracking Protection allows it to act as if you have Adblock installed.
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    Best browser for SP3?

    The Metro version of IE has grown on me quite a lot over the past few days. It's surprisingly efficient and webpages just look beautiful. I would kill for Adblock on IE but for the most part I'm liking it. Still have Chrome installed and logged in using one of my profiles just to be safe, but...
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    4G vs. 8G?

    I have the 8GB version, and with normal use* my memory hovers around 30-40%. It's rare that I push it to 40%; most of the time it's actually under 30%. Is 8GB overkill in my case then? Maybe, but I do plan on using my SP3 to run a bit of music software so in my case the more memory I have, the...
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    Surface Pro 3 Tips & Tricks

    Ran into a problem of my SP3 fans going insane whenever I'm downloading stuff. Looking at Task Manager, something called Microsoft Search Filter Host was constantly taking up 30% or more of my CPU. After a bit of reading it seems like this is Microsoft's feature that indexes pretty much all the...
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    Chrome Fixed on SP3?

    Yes, same here! Chrome looked horrible when I first downloaded it but now it looks great. Looks like it's still a battery drain so I'm only going to use Chrome when my SP3 is plugged in but it's great to be able to sign in my account and port over the bookmarks/passwords I have saved in my Mac...
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    OFFICIAL I just got my SP3

    i5 only. Couldn't justify the extra $300 or whatever for a slightly faster processor, and considering that I've been on a Core 2 Duo for the past 4 or 5+ years (plus the fact that I don't really do any super intense computing) I doubt it would make much of a difference to me.
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    What is your average battery life on your SP3?

    Waaaay too premature at this point since I just got my SP3 today, but I finished charging to 100% around 5:00 PM and 6 hours later I'm at 39%. I love it.
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    OFFICIAL I just got my SP3

    Pleasant surprise -- the mailman arrived with my Surface early today! And I've spent the past 6 hours playing with it and getting reacquainted with Windows. I have to say -- I LOVE THIS THING!! Far, far more versatile than an iPad could ever be. And the battery life is much better than my...
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    OFFICIAL I just got my SP3

    First post on this forum! My Macbook Pro started suffering from performance issues ever since I accidentally dropped it from the bed late last year, and decided to get a brand new computer once I had funds for it. Leaned towards the MacBook Air but around that time the SP3 was just announced...