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  1. J

    SP3 and programs not running in full screen

    All, I just got my SP3 i7 and when I try to run programs, they are not full screen and thus very hard to run. It is in some type of window but I am not able to maximize it (and can only minimize it to the task bar). I know when I run on my desktop Win7 machine it works fine. Any ideas? Thx...
  2. J

    SP3 and Civ 5 question

    So does this mean you think it will be faster than the SP2 and SP3 i5? Thx jonpfl
  3. J

    SP3 and Civ 5 question

    That makes me feel like I should buy a SP2! Seems kinda backwards of msoft to release something newer that is slower! Thx jonpfl
  4. J

    SP3 and Civ 5 question

    All, Has anyone tried playing Civ V on the SP3? I saw someone post on a civ site that Civ V plays better on a Sp2. I just preordered a SP3 with an i7 with 8 gigs with the hope it plays well. Any thoughts? Thx jonpfl