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  1. T

    Known issues for SP4

    I have the same issue with the Surface 4 and the new dock. Coming out of sleep or hibernate it is now a 50/50 that will freeze or go dark. Funny that at the end of November it was stable. Seems like recent drivers are to blame. I even changed from sleep to hibernate in the settings. So...
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    Surface Pro 4 Lot Numbers

    Returned my previous Lot 1542 and got a Lot 1543 with Samsung SSD (i5/256). It is MUCH more stable. Not one bluescreen in 4 days. Previously I had two lot 1542 machines that were bluescreening atleast once a day. I still have the odd video driver stoppage issue (but doesn't blue screen) and...
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    SP4 - i5/256/8GB - Lots of bluescreens - two from same lot

    Hi Folks, I have gotten two SP4s from lot 1542. Both have had nothing but problems with bluescreens and display driver freezes. I see the display driver issue is quite common but i'm not seeing the other issues that i'm having. So i'm thinking of yet another return / exchange before my 30...
  4. T

    Have you sent your SP4 back?

    What is your lot number on the new SP4 you got? I have one from lot 1542 and it is a real stability nightmare...
  5. T

    Surface Pro 4 Lot Numbers

    i5/256/8 Lot #1542 - Crashing all the time!! The lot 1540 I had before this one was stable... Grrrrr... bad batch?
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    Battery Wear - is 3% out of box normal?

    Cool! I thought it happened the same way on last one but couldn't remember for sure (i.e. wear rate shrunk after a few charges)
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    Battery Wear - is 3% out of box normal?

    i'm on my second SP3.. First one had 0.4% wear out of the box which seemed good. This replacement has 3% already. Anybody else experience such a high wear figure out of the box?
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    Two serious issues: Screen Flickering and Keyboard backlight stopped

    subtle flicker when you look at a darkish photo. You can really notice in a dark room. I am taking it back as I don't want to chance it.
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    Two serious issues: Screen Flickering and Keyboard backlight stopped

    Ok silly me - just read tips and tricks and saw the f1 / f2 control keyboard backlight.. Keyboard works again. Issue #1 still freaking me out a bit. It has to be a darkish background and the flicker is ever so slight. I think I may return and swap for new one just to be safe.
  10. T

    Two serious issues: Screen Flickering and Keyboard backlight stopped

    On day 10 of the Surface Pro 3.. Two things I noticed today as I have been working in a darker room with lights out: 1) Screen is flickering slightly.. I have a dark background - definitely noticeable?? Never noticed before.. 2) Backlight on keyboard isn't coming on anymore? Not sure where I...
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    Battery life in Pen - anybody have to replace yet?

    My pen started acting a bit strange today - normally I can just pick it up and start writing but today I needed to press the buttons on it and wait a bit. Got me thinking my battery might already be low.. Anybody know how long the AAAA will last? I had one of these AAAA batteries in the dell...
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    What is your average battery life on your SP3?

    Wow that is amazing... What apps do you typically use?
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    What is your average battery life on your SP3?

    so looks like I am not alone! 6-7 hours is the norm:(.
  14. T

    What is your average battery life on your SP3?

    I'm only getting 5.5-6 hours with medium productivity work. It was only 5 hours prior to July 8th firmware - hoping it will get better but if this is the norm I may return mine this week.
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    New Firmware - July 8, 2014

    How does one manually load firmware from driver pack?? Still not shown on win update and I need to load and decide if I will keep or return.
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    New Firmware - July 8, 2014

    I still don't see the July FW update in windows update? Can anyone confirm if battery life has improved? I see the driver pack has been updated. Just not sure how to manually install firmware from the driver pack. (Has a bunch of .cap files in addition to normal drivers).