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  1. S

    Mini DisplayPort on new docking station doesn't work

    Finally got to try mDP to HDMI: working through the dock just fine with the new monitor... Don't know if the DVI was the monitor (I didn't get a chance to try it with the VGA cable) or the mDP to DVI adapter I was using (Apple...). Now that dock is working properly (i.e., with all...
  2. S

    Mini DisplayPort on new docking station doesn't work

    So here's an FYI update on my dock. I picked up an inexpensive but new Samsung 21.5" monitor that has VGA and HDMI inputs (instead of the DVI input on the old Dell I was trying). Plugged it into the dock via mDP to VGA adapter and it worked fine first time fired up. The resolution on the...
  3. S

    Mini DisplayPort on new docking station doesn't work

    In my case, the monitor is recognized, but just stays dark. The model shows up under my display settings, I can move the configurations around, change resolution, and I can move the mouse off SP3 monitor in extended mode -- just doesn't show up in the extended screen. As mentioned, if I plug...
  4. S

    Mini DisplayPort on new docking station doesn't work

    That's discouraging to hear. mDP to DVI isn't working for me out of dock (works fine out of mDP port on SP3). I was hoping to try VGA later today when I could grab my mDP/VGA adapter and cables from my office; doesn't sound promising. Really hoping this is a firmware issue. I've tried...
  5. S

    Walked Into MS Wanting to Love the Surface Pro 3, but Didn't, What Am I Missing?

    Can echo what other have said. I've been pretty much on a completely Apple ecosystem the last 12 years or so. First machines were OS9, and have been moving up right through Mavericks and the latest iOS. TiBooks, AiBooks, PowerBooks, G5, MBP, rMBP, iPads, iPhones, AppleTVs, Airport Extreme...