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  1. P

    Hate to start another docking station thread, but...

    That's interesting about the docking station. I have the same problem recently with the SP3 not booting in the docking station. I figured it was because of all the crap I have connected to it (4 monitors, external hard drive, joystick, keyboard, and mouse). Can you do us a favor and update this...
  2. P

    2 Monitors on 1 Docking Station

    Currently right now I'm running 3 24in monitors connected to my Sp3. I have my main monitor running off of a Displayport to HDMI from the docking station and my two secondary monitors running off of this...
  3. P

    Nice Cradle

    What I find very interesting is that they were able to use the docking station port. That means there is some type of spec on the pin outs, which will get me one step closer to using the docking port for an external GPU! Now that would be totally cool :)
  4. P

    [PHOTO] album of your Surface Pro 3 desk set up

    My desk is a work in progress. I have all the pipe cut and painted, I just have to build it now. The second pic is the table top, there will be a plate of glass sitting on top of the 2 antique doors. Can't wait to get it all finished and up and running :)
  5. P


    You can write Metro apps in WPF, but you can also write them in HTML5 and javascript. The biggest thing coming from a WPF background is that it is using a different framework. Instead of .net it is WinRT and that takes a little getting used to. Plus a number of WPF elements are not available in...
  6. P

    Heat - back right corner Sorry, that forum has different page numbers when you are logged in vs. not logged in, so page number 15 for me is page number 44 for non-logged in users. Look for post number 433. There is more...
  7. P

    Heat - back right corner "I ran some 3dmark benchmarks and saw score/FPS increases ranging 31-39% for graphics tests, and about an 25% increase for physics tests. 30-40% increase in FPS... not bad!"
  8. P

    Heat - back right corner There was a guy on either this forum or a different one that attached an external fan to his pro and was able to force the air in. He did see some pretty...
  9. P

    iFixit Teardown

    In theory you could make an External GPU. This would allow you to utilize a more powerful desktop graphics card for powering external monitors. This personally, is what I would want to do with the power port. For my usage I utilize 3 external monitors. There are a number of solutions out there...
  10. P

    Surface Pro 3 Accessories

    The power connector is not thunderbolt. It is a pci-e connection, though. The component supports 5.0 Gbit/s so it will be slower than a thunderbolt connection. It should still be able to do an external GPU, if that is...
  11. P

    Recommend a USB 3.0 HUB

    I saw this in a different thread, I like it because you can use it as a powered hub and connect it to the USB port on your power brick to power it.
  12. P

    Estimated Battery Life Remaining

    I did not purposely install hyper-V. I do have Visual Studio Express 2013 on it for doing windows apps, but I had estimated time on before that. You are correct though, I do not have the sleep option. I wonder how connected standby was turned off. Very weird. Mike
  13. P

    Estimated Battery Life Remaining

    Well that's interesting, I just bought my SP3, and did all the updates, and my SP3, shows the estimated remaining. I didn't do anything special with it. Did I get some weird rogue SP3? Lol. I included pics to prove it.