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  1. M

    Screen Protector

    Yes, please do keep us posted! I'm in the market for a new screen protector and I'm definitely interested in what your thoughts of the Phantom Glass are.
  2. M

    What are your custoimized options?

    Hey guys, I thought it might be interesting and helpful if everyone shared their different power options/intel graphic options for their different uses (gaming, battery saving, work, ect.) so others could get some tips into what they could set theirs to. I'd start us off but to be honest...
  3. M

    What happened to March Firmware Update?

    jrapdx, Did you try to clean restore or reinstall the updates, or something along those lines?
  4. M

    What happened to March Firmware Update?

    Yeah I updated everything yesterday, and now my surface runs hot all the time and the fan is constantly on (when I don't think it ever came on before that)...Any suggestions? Looking in the task manager "Service Host: Local System (12)" is running about 30% of my processor and 20% of my memory...
  5. M

    Any way to avoid Automatic Updates?

    I'll keep that in mind, thanks!
  6. M

    Any way to avoid Automatic Updates?

    Alright guys, I set it to automatic updates, hid the firmware one, and updated everything else far it looks like everything is running great! (If not better than before!) As of now the firmware update is kept hidden, will that stay hidden until I "restore hidden updates"? Or will that...
  7. M

    Any way to avoid Automatic Updates?

    Hmm, if you guys don't think it will have any adverse affects I can give it a go?
  8. M

    Any way to avoid Automatic Updates?

    bluegrass, that's a good idea, however, I live at school so I don't really have that option. But thank you all, it looks like I'm going have to change my settings to automatic updates, then I'll reboot it and hope for the best from there! I'll let you know how it goes.
  9. M

    Any way to avoid Automatic Updates?

    Will do! Thank you for the advice! I assume I should keep the keyboard attached as well, correct?
  10. M

    Any way to avoid Automatic Updates?

    Thank all for the replies! I guess I'll talk with my school and hope for the best. Fingers crossed you won't see any posts here about faulty updates!
  11. M

    Any way to avoid Automatic Updates?

    Hey everyone, So everything was working just fine until I manually updated windows defender (I have yet to download the February update), and now whenever I try to go in the internet, I get a message from my school telling me that I will be quarantined until I set my computer to automatically...
  12. M

    Help for a new user?

    Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I really enjoy the device, and I'm very dependent on it at this point I would hate to do something to screw it up!
  13. M

    Help for a new user?

    Hey guys, So I've been searching around these forums for a while, and finally pulled the trigger and got myself a surface pro 2. Needless to say it's been a bit of a whirlwind. The first time I tired to install the firmware and windows updates (right after I booted up the machine) half of...