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  1. F

    XBox Games Will Not Log In To Xbox Live

    I did the same and Xbox support said that I needed to contact Surface support... at that point I decided to wipe/reload again which resolved the issue.
  2. F

    XBox Games Will Not Log In To Xbox Live

    I actually think I got it working... I wish I could say I got it figured out but I'm not 100% certain what fixed it. I reloaded again and this time set it up with a local account and then added my MS account. I've downloaded two games that were giving me problems before and now they're signing...
  3. F

    XBox Games Will Not Log In To Xbox Live

    Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to have worked. I'm not sure what else there is to do. When I reset I used the setting to reset if I was going to sell the tablet for a more thorough wipe/reload. I set it up as a new PC, with a new name, and installed Angry Birds Star Wars and I get the same...
  4. F

    XBox Games Will Not Log In To Xbox Live

    I have yet to find anything to help at the moment. I did read that the only way someone else was able to fix it is to basically reload their Surface and during the reloading process they deleted the recovery/sync file for the system from SkyDrive and then set the Surface up as a new PC rather...
  5. F

    XBox Games Will Not Log In To Xbox Live

    I've been dealing with this issue for the last two days. None of the Xbox Games through the Windows App Store will log in to Xbox live. The Xbox Games app has no problems doing so. All seems to be working fine for the music app and the video app. I just can't get any of the games to sing in...
  6. F

    SkyDrive is Killing My Hard Drive

    I was able to fix the issue by managing the individual folders from within Windows Explorer in desktop mode. Kind of a pain, but it worked. Thanks.
  7. F

    SkyDrive is Killing My Hard Drive

    So I noticed this morning that SkyDrive is filling up the hard drive on my Surface 2 by attempting to sync all of my files from SkyDrive to the local disk. The problem is that there is not enough space to put all of my files on the drive and it prevents me from opening other files from SkyDrive...