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  1. IridiumCore

    Programs randomly closing when on battery power

    What applications do you allow to run in the background; have you looked previously? I'd check to see: Settings >Privacy >1. Scroll down to the bottom of the left panel's options >>Select Background apps The reason I mention this is that its possible some apps running in the background can...
  2. IridiumCore

    TestOut PC & Network Pro Certified

    TestOut PC & Network Pro Certified
  3. IridiumCore

    Question About Power Settings

    You did better than me. off power my screen is @40% no Bluetooth, WiFi unless I need them. at the moment and with WiFi it tells me at 80% I have 5hrs and 2minutes later 7hrs, 52 minutes.
  4. IridiumCore

    Question About Power Settings

    Ok well with that said I'm going to stop looking for them. I have a habit of not knowing when to leave well enough alone. this SP3 works way well enough for me to the thing I do. I have a all day battery yesterday so I guess I'm good. Thanks everyone for the help.
  5. IridiumCore

    Question About Power Settings

    I gave this a shot.
  6. IridiumCore

    Question About Power Settings

    I'm just used to this list with more options. Does it seem like user control is going away?
  7. IridiumCore

    Power options Max CPU settings missing?

    Hello, Any word on this. I too have the same thing going on. I just updated my SP3 to windows 10. My SP2 has the options and Microsoft says it's because they have different hardware.
  8. IridiumCore

    Question About Power Settings

    Hey everyone, I've recently come across a SP3 with abnormal power settings. On the machine I'm logged in as admin and have all necessary rights. I get a short list of power options. (attached) I'm used to many more power options. Is it me or is this list accurate for a surface pro 3.
  9. IridiumCore

    Microsoft replaced my surface pro 2 with pro 3

    I wish they'd do that with me. Every since my last update my Pro 2 hasn't been working right.
  10. IridiumCore

    Big uh oh... Really Big Uh oh.

    Thanks, I actually quit searching. After an exhausting search I figured MS will include a recovery partition with the release of 8.1. This time I'll lock my recovery USB and back it up on my external HDD.
  11. IridiumCore

    Reset to Factory Question: Surface RT

    thanks gents. I don't know how I undid the changes made to my USB but the information is back on there
  12. IridiumCore

    Reset to Factory Question: Surface RT

    Hello, I have a question about the RT. I removed the recovery partition from my Surface and misplaced the USB drive. I'm thinking I can rest my RT to the factory state thus recovering my recovery partition. This is a theory I have. Do any of you think that this will work to recover my...
  13. IridiumCore

    Big uh oh... Really Big Uh oh.

    Well, I copied the recovery partition to USB drive and guess what. My roommate formatted the dag on card and now when I attempt to create another one well, its only about 512MB. You Know, he and I could fight right now. Ugh.
  14. IridiumCore

    Installing Windows 8.1 RT on Surface RT

    Microsoft is saying that it will be a free update on 10/18. I'm not sure if I'll do this. I just wanted to the level of complexity. I'm thinking there will be some type of Windows Genuine Advantage check or something. You never know with MS. Although Theoretically you may be able to recover to...
  15. IridiumCore

    New Member Here!

    Hello everybody, My name is Iridious Jones. There is not much to tell except I love my surface. I just picked it up on 9/13 and here some few days later new Surface is coming out. Any who I'll prolly pick that one up in a year or so. I knew it was coming out I just wanted a Surface for...