Search results

  1. L

    Recurring events in -- editing w/o losing data

    I have a repeating/recurring event in my calendar that's been running for some years now. Throughout that time, I've cancelled individual occurrences, moved them, made notes, etc. Now that my schedule is about to slightly change, I need to change the day on which it occurs. In...
  2. L

    Bluetooth Mouse Recommendation?

    Thanks, Pierre, I'll give this a shot.
  3. L

    Calendar App Out of Sync w/

    For whatever reason, a couple of days ago I made a bunch of changes in my calendar using the native MS Calendar metro app, only to find that they never posted to my account. So now my calendar on the website as well as my Windows Phone, which syncs with it, have none of...
  4. L

    Video recording from the camera while in Desktop mode

    Allow me to reply to my own self, so that I don't look like quite as big of an idiot as I will once others reply: I can record directly inside of OneNote while I'm taking notes. Check and mate. Funny, I thought about that for weeks for resolving to ask the question here, and then I solved it...
  5. L

    Video recording from the camera while in Desktop mode

    I've tried searching for this, but every instance of "video recording" seems to really mean "desktop screen recording." I want to be able to video record my lectures, but still take notes in OneNote simultaneously. Whenever I tab out of the Camera app, though, it stops recording. Does...
  6. L

    Bluetooth Mouse Recommendation?

    I really like my Sculpt Touch mouse: it's light, portable, and simple, which helps keep it clean. I do, however, have one complaint about it -- after a bit of use, it tends to disconnect from my SP. I then have to power the mouse down, wait 5-10 seconds, and then power it back up. Anyone else...
  7. L

    Multiple MS e-mail accounts under my single address

    Okay, problem solved. It has the hint of a workaround, but this is the official MS way for doing what we want. I did this in the reverse order of the way the MS page says in order to minimize the amount of logging in and out. By the way, I think this might be what you were trying to tell me...
  8. L

    Multiple MS e-mail accounts under my single address

    This is an example of things that frustrate me now and again. It's as if I am punished for having had MS email accounts. If all my secondary and tertiary account were from third parties, this would work seamlessly. I'm going to contact support to see if they have anything helpful in the...
  9. L

    Multiple MS e-mail accounts under my single address

    Hi Rich. Thanks. Can I assume then that you can't send mail from these secondary accounts then, without logging into them? MS must have some sort of solution for this. Perhaps I ought to contact them?
  10. L

    Multiple MS e-mail accounts under my single address

    Thanks for the response. I think I follow you. Aliases seem to be the way to go then. My problem, I guess, arises from me wanting to use preexisting * or * addresses as my aliases. For whatever strange reason, it won't let me do that. Did you run into any similar...
  11. L

    Multiple MS e-mail accounts under my single address

    Okay, so either this is some conspiracy on MS's part, they are completely inept, or I am just an idiot today. I am in the process of migrating completely to (see my earlier thread, questioning whether I should do this), and I am stymied by how to bring all of my other e-mail...
  12. L

    Studying for school with the Pro

    Thanks for the awesome replies. And I'm going to check out that video right now. I think I just need to get going and mess around with this way before my next semester begins in the fall. I am afraid of screwing it up and not doing it perfectly out of the box, which is ridiculous lol.
  13. L

    Studying for school with the Pro

    Hi all. I'm looking to use my Surface Pro for all of my studying this fall semester, leaving the paper-and-ink--cluttered world in the dust as much as possible. I intend to do this through MS One Note and by using the stylus for in-class input. Has anyone attempted to do this yet? I would...
  14. L vs Google services

    Thanks for the great replies. I think what I'll do is export my Gmail and GCal and Drive and import them and just run two copies of things for a while. If I am happy with, I'll just leave the Google stuff (it doesn't harm anything) and disconnect the account from my devices. Good...
  15. L vs Google services

    Hi all. Wasn't sure which sub-forum to post this in. I really feel like ditching Google altogether (only reason I went there 4 years ago was because MS totally blew it with Windows Mobile updates, and I just couldn't wait anymore), but I just want to make sure I am not going to lose any...