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  1. spectre51

    Pen stopped working - any suggestions?

    Had this issue earlier this year. Here is what I did to fix it, after trying new drivers and all that, just incase anyone else runs into the same problem: Shut the surface Pro off then started it by holding volume up and power to get into the bios screen. There I tested the pen which worked...
  2. spectre51

    Surface Pro 1 128GB replaced with Surface Pro 2 4300U

    I've heard about this happening and wish something was wrong with mine so it could happen to me but my 64Gb Surface Pro runs great. No issues with it. Sucks the resale value of these things is so bad.
  3. spectre51

    Adjustable kickstand mod

    Freedom case
  4. spectre51

    Screen Protector?

    I have one from Skinomi that came with the carbon fiber skin I got. Hadn't used it for a long time but noticed a scratch on my bezel so I put it on. It is a wet install but after a few days it cleared up and you can't really tell it is on. Pen works fine with it as well. Had tried a Xtreme...
  5. spectre51

    In need of a USB Recovery for Surface Pro

    You can create your own following this page
  6. spectre51

    Why No Pro Recovery Disc Image Yet?!

    I followed this page and created my own
  7. spectre51

    Get the new Type Cover or wait on the Power Cover?

    While the extra battery life would be nice for my surface pro I don't think I would get the battery cover if it didn't have back lit keys. Sent from the app for Windows 8
  8. spectre51

    Windows 8.1 RTM is now available on MSDN to download

    It won't accept the cd key you have with the surface pro when you go through the first part of the setup program. Create a ei.cfg file with the following info in it: [EditionID] Professional [Channel] Retail [VL] 1 Put that file in your sources folder (extract the iso and install it...
  9. spectre51

    Used Surface Pro 64GB and missing recovery partition

    Follow this page:
  10. spectre51

    CalDAV and CardDAV Support for Google Calendar... Missing?

    I believe the is coming with 8.1 though I may be wrong. I'm patiently waiting for it too. For the mean time I just pinned the webpage for my calendar. Sent from the app for Windows 8
  11. spectre51

    Google Plus on Win 8

    No app, just have to use the browser. Sent from the app for Windows 8
  12. spectre51

    HALO: Spartan Assault comes in July

    It's coming. This summer I believe.
  13. spectre51

    Throttlestop - running your Surface Pro maxxed out...

    Task Manager is about a 100mhz higher usually. Sent from the app for Windows 8
  14. spectre51

    Throttlestop - running your Surface Pro maxxed out...

    I made sure I have the exact same settings as you so I don't think I am doing it wrong. Followed what you setup and when I have it turned on and just sitting there at the desktop doing nothing it will hover around 1.7ghz fluctuating higher and a little lower that is with or without EIST...
  15. spectre51

    Throttlestop - running your Surface Pro maxxed out...

    Well not necessarily better results just that you can just uncheck eist and it will run at the full 1.7ghz and not drop lower. I'm still playing with it to see how the turbo behaves with just eist unchecked and throttle stop off.
  16. spectre51

    Throttlestop - running your Surface Pro maxxed out...

    Playing around with it a bit today I noticed that when ThrottleStop I turned ON having that EIST setting checked doesn't really matter much. Even with it checked or unchecked the system will drop down to 1.7ghz if nothing is going on and still crank up when needed. Now when Throttlestop is...
  17. spectre51

    CPU temp monitor

    Anyone have any suggestions for a good CPU temp monitor program. One that will start when windows boots and sit in the systray? I downloaded coretemp and realtemp but wonder if you guys had any better options. Sent from the app for Windows 8
  18. spectre51

    Integrated Windows Store

    Ah 8.1 gotcha...still holding out as I don't want to have to reinstall everything. Sent from the app for Windows 8
  19. spectre51

    Throttlestop - running your Surface Pro maxxed out...

    I noticed you unchecked EIST as that was checked by default for me. Any particular reason you unchecked it? What did you notice change when you didn't have that enabled? Sent from the app for Windows 8