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  1. P

    new intel driver

    i have a new driver today through windows update. 3977 installed
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    Drawings that you have done with your surface

    original can be found here : and bart is taken from my coffee cup :)
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    Drawings that you have done with your surface

    hey, just test drawing with my sp3 last week and here is what i've done
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    Had to create MS Account for each domain user ?

    Yes, If they want to reconquer enterprises, that's what they have to do
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    Had to create MS Account for each domain user ?

    Hi Jnjroach, Thank's for the help but i can't apply this in my organisation.. I can't let my users do what they want with their account. If there is a problem, i don't want to work with personal data. All should be stay here and manageable by the IT.
  6. P

    Had to create MS Account for each domain user ?

    Hi all and thank's for your answer, My users are new on windows 8.1 in my enterprise, i have to drive them for an efficient work with the surface Pro. (we bought docking stations, and BT mouses) I use a surface since the first one in my IT and now i work with SP3. My favorite app for work is...
  7. P

    Had to create MS Account for each domain user ?

    Hi, We just bought some surface pro 2 in my enterprise. I have now users with windows 8.1 on my domain. I work with windows 8 and 8.1 since the first day and i have a Microsoft account. I can use OneDrive, OneNote, Mail, Store etc. Is there a way for my users to use these Apps without...
  8. P

    Resolution on 2nd monitor and DPI size.

    Yeah i remember this page.. When i dock mine, desktop seems ok but icon are gigantic :)
  9. P

    PLEASE- post your serial numbers here!

    SP3 i7 256GB 042174342XXX Lot 1432 France
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    Resolution on 2nd monitor and DPI size.

    Unfortunately, it's how it works at the moment. You have to log out to have the right DPI setting. And yes, work with two monitor with different dpi scaling is horrible. I work only on attached monitor when i dock my SP
  11. P

    [PHOTO] album of your Surface Pro 3 desk set up

    I have it since three days and works really great so far. Before that, i had a HP3005PR and Dynadock U3 is clearly better. I like the MS dock but i can't plug two screen on it. The real advantage of the MS one is the power connector. The price is nice too :)
  12. P

    [PHOTO] album of your Surface Pro 3 desk set up

    I see very nice setup, great thread :) Here's mine : SP3 i7 256 and Toshiba Dynadock U3. I work on two 20" monitor at 3200x1200 Just for fun, i deploy 4 SP2 128G from mdt ;)
  13. P

    Chrome 64 Bit

    Release 38 is here, same problem ? im on Chrome Canary Smooth Scrolling in desktop mod ? / TouchKeyboard popup ?
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    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    It's the same, you have to logout to have the right dpi settings
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    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Yes i am, Actually this preview is more for a desktop experience. We have to wait for a new preview.. Ill go back to W10 when continuum will be here
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    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Ill switch back tomorrow. Some weird bug tonight with bluetooth apairing. Some functions are missing at the moment for our surface.
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    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    ok thank's jnjroach
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    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Yes, you have to click on the three little dot on top left corner of the MUI App (btw, swipe down to close doesn't work in fullscreen too)
  19. P

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    here's my first impression (Windows 10 technical preview for enterprise) First of all, the marvell wifi driver is not installed by default. I have a dock station and a new Displaylink driver is available for windows 10 I Like: Fast, like windows 8.1 New StartMenu when i dock my SP3 at work...