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    Bluetooth mouse wakes up from connected standby

    ...I think you mean 'run out of energy and dangerously overheat my expensive device very fast'. Crappy but true, to be 100% sure I turn it off (repeats endorsement for Arc Touch for on-the-go use, where you cannot put it in the bag turned on -it's not a great mouse, but I have more preferred...
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    Bluetooth mouse wakes up from connected standby

    I tried it too, found it unreliable. Settled on getting a mouse that's easy to turn off, and remembering to do that! -Being a lefty the Sculpt doesn't fly, just picked up the new Arc Touch Bluetooth for travel which is good for staying off in bag as it's off when packed flat.
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    personalize display with Docking station

    I haven't found a perfect answer, but I have found that when connected to external monitor(s), if I hit the 'Make this my main display' checkbox for the external in the Screen Resolution dialog, that the external display gets good scaling, even though the SP3 internal display is then too small...
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    I also have 2 U2414H daisychained together off the dock, and routinely run both + the SP3 screen all at once. The first week I had them they were a bit flaky (flickering on the last one in the chain), but I found that forcing the display refresh rate to 60Hz (they autodetected at 59Hz) has made...
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    personalize display with Docking station

    Of course I really mean set the SP3 display to WhateverIWantForDisplay1 % always , and any external displays individually to WhateverIWantForDisplay$X % always. I'm sure you knew exactly what I meant, but on the off chance that a windows engineer ever stumbles across this, I thought it was best...
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    personalize display with Docking station

    Hi Stephan I find that when I connect external monitors (either via the dock or direct), the windows scaling automatically calculates what will be the most annoying combination of pixel density and blurring for the active displays. When just using the SP3 display I default to the 150%...
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    Unable to log into Windows - Number of connections limited

    Four times in the last week I've woken my SP3 to find that I was unable to log in, and even standard shutdown or reboot failed to render any improvement. On three of these occasions (first, second and fourth), I had in yellow text on a black background the message 'the number of connections to...
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    Start to desktop

    If you are prepared to experiment, I expect that AutoHotKey could do exactly what you want. Try you already know it, or their home page otherwise. I've recently started using Win 8.1 on an SP3...
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    [PHOTO] album of your Surface Pro 3 desk set up

    You're totally right about 'unless I get the 2414' -I couldn't find any other good options. Luckily despite being fairly new, Dell do special them quite well at times, which is when I jumped. Overall I am pleased with them as the price was right and the design is a real step forward for them ...
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    Dual Monitor w/ MST Hub

    Hi - I'm not using a hub, but am daisychaining 2 Dell monitors using MST. Among the things I've encountered: Dock connection is definitely less reliable than straight from the SP3, but is now OK for me subject to the following... SP3 seems to be quite fussy on MiniDisplayPort cable quality...
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    MST Hub problem

    Hi - I'm not using a hub, but am daisychaining 2 Dell monitors using MST. Among the things I've encountered that you could try: SP3 seems to be quite fussy on MiniDisplayPort cable quality. After a failure (detected by windows but blank screen) with a generic cable I sourced a Lenovo branded...
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    [PHOTO] album of your Surface Pro 3 desk set up

    ...I just wish the dock was a lot cheaper (so that getting 2 made sense), and had multiple video out (the MST DisplayPort is hard to find monitors for -I bought my home Dells on a decent special, but there are very few choices that wouldn't involve yet another [costly] adapter hanging off the dock)
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    [PHOTO] album of your Surface Pro 3 desk set up

    Here we go: (note to anyone concerned with excessive tidiness - there's plenty of junk - it's just all out of shot) First - home setup with the dock, and 2xDell 2414 Daisychained. Presently using the type cover so that I get plenty of practice typing on it. Have a soundbar on one of the...
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    [PHOTO] album of your Surface Pro 3 desk set up

    I don't want to hijack the thread, and haven't got a photo just yet, but can I ask Does the display scaling drive you insane with this setup?? I find with 24 inch 1920x1090 monitors, that no matter what settings I choose the SP3 screen items always display much smaller than they do when...
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    SP3 Dock mDP limitation? (miniDP to DP)

    Correct -it's another variable to watch out for. The only mDP-DP cables at my local retailers were generics that did not explicitly state DP 1.2 support. I also ended up with a Lenovo branded one, but I think the vital thing is to check that it claims 1.2 support. Of course for the Surface...
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    SP3 Dock mDP limitation? (miniDP to DP)

    I can report that even buying them at the same time doesn't guarantee identical colour. My two were bought at the same time, and have serial numbers only 6 digits apart, but the factory test calibration graph agrees with my eyes that one is a bit 'cooler' than the other. It's subtle enough...
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    SP3 Dock mDP limitation? (miniDP to DP)

    Thanks ynohtna and GoodBytes, you've pointed me in the direction of a solution to my problem. I'm running two new Dell U2412H monitors daisy chained, and since I got my dock last week the second/slaved monitor had been suffering intermittent flicker and brief disconnections. Having tried rolling...
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    Mini DisplayPort on new docking station doesn't work

    Thanks, good to know. Although if the cable is as short as it looks you really would want it running off the dock! I note that the Amazon reviews: ( show a...
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    Mini DisplayPort on new docking station doesn't work

    Hey Chalker - That routine sounds familiar, but you left out the step where you have to hard-reboot by holding down the power key because none of the displays will work under any circumstances when you come back from lunch! I am generally Win-P to single screen every time before I undock. I...
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    Mini DisplayPort on new docking station doesn't work

    A further update/confirmation: I am running two Dell U2414H using displayport MST. When running off the dock, there is periodic flickering and tearing on the second (chained) monitor. This occurs even with the Device display disabled (i.e. Graphics driving 2 displays only), and has never...