Search results

  1. Z

    Would you convert to an iPad Pro and replace your SP3?

    Because as I've said many times here before, it's a great note taking device. It turns out that it allows me to pair it with the 60% size keyboard of my choice instead of being stuck with whatever keyboard a laptop includes. It provides a level of quality and flexibility that no other device...
  2. Z

    Internet speeds faster on SP2?

    Is one device connecting to the 2.4ghz network and the other to the 5ghz one?
  3. Z

    Would you convert to an iPad Pro and replace your SP3?

    The answer has been given many, many times. The Surface cannot stream music to a Bluetooth or wireless music system without changing power settings which then consume a considerable amount of power to do this simple task. If I want email with a notification system, I have to use the awful Mail...
  4. Z

    Would you convert to an iPad Pro and replace your SP3?

    Windows computers are ubiquitous though. The Surface is nothing if it isn't a great tablet. At the moment it's a mediocre tablet. I have the Surface because it's the best notetaking device on the market right now. If something changed, and that were no longer the case - I'd be glad to switch...
  5. Z

    Would you convert to an iPad Pro and replace your SP3?

    Wow. Talk about a reality distortion field.... For me I would have to see what it actually turned out to be. If it had excellent stylus integration, that would be the primary sell for me and there would be a good chance I'd switch. It's the primary thing that drove me to the SP in the first...
  6. Z

    Has the surface totally replaced your tablet?

    As long as both devices are signed into the same iCloud account, it uses that as it's authentication mechanism. That will allow you to initiate the tethering directly from the iPad or Mac computer without having to enable tethering on the phone or entering a password.
  7. Z

    Has the surface totally replaced your tablet?
  8. Z

    Has the surface totally replaced your tablet?

    Well, HTML5 being the primary one... Microsoft's own Silverlight was another for a time. You mistake my objectivity as sour grapes. I own a SP3. I have replaced my very expensive and quite new Thinkpad T440s with it. I'm a fan. I'm not a fanboy. Therein lies the difference.
  9. Z

    Has the surface totally replaced your tablet?

    You clearly have very little idea how modern computing works...
  10. Z

    Has the surface totally replaced your tablet?

    Flash is done. Youtube has deprecated it to 'last ditch' status. Sure, there will be plenty of sites that hold on to it for too long. Not what I'd want to hang my hat on though.
  11. Z

    Has the surface totally replaced your tablet?

    Yes, I know if I change my power settings each time I'd like to listen to some music, it works. Very convenient. Not to mention what that does to the battery life. An iPad can stream music for days on the battery because it can do so in its lowest power mode. Again, that 'heavily optimized'...
  12. Z

    Has the surface totally replaced your tablet?

    Flash, talk about a piece of poorly optimized software. There is a reason it has become nearly obsolete. You only need all that cpu power to browse the web when you try to run crap software like that.
  13. Z

    Has the surface totally replaced your tablet?

    For most things that people want to do with a tablet day in and day out, the performance on the iPad is equivalent if not superior to that on the SP because of the extreme optimization of hardware and software. And it can do so without large and unexpected swings in battery life.
  14. Z

    Has the surface totally replaced your tablet?

    This is an extremely simplistic viewpoint of the benefit of apps. Without an app, your 'much better' computer can't even do a simple thing like stream music to a Bluetooth speaker on battery without interruption. There are plenty of other places where app performance is better. It's no...
  15. Z

    Has the surface totally replaced your tablet?

    Please list for us all these apps that are superior to their counterparts on iOS or Android. Oh, btw, the Surface is still a minivan to the sports bike that is the latest ipad...
  16. Z

    Keyboard - What "R" you doing?

    I would suspect a faulty key or scissor switch. My first type cover had one scissor switch that didn't snap as crisply as the others - making it difficult for me to get the immediate feedback that it had been pressed. I returned it for another and none of the keys are as bad, but some still snap...
  17. Z

    Has the surface totally replaced your tablet?

    For most of the first couple of months I had my SP3 my iPad saw little use. There was even a short point where I considered the fact that even I, a big iPad fan, could give up my iPad as I began to allow for the quirks of using the Surface as a tablet. That point has passed, however, and I still...
  18. Z

    Surface Pro 3 - Afterthoughts - Aftermarket

    Yeah, I guess that's true. The usb spec should make it easier for 3rd parties to build compatible devices though - so maybe eventually docking stations and power bricks could become fairly universal rather than being specific to one device.
  19. Z

    Surface Pro 3 - Afterthoughts - Aftermarket

    That's the promise of usb-c....
  20. Z

    Surface Pro 3 - Afterthoughts - Aftermarket

    There is an ideal monitor. It's the Dell P2715q, although really any adequately high resolution example should do. Might as well buy the Dell though as it's about the same price as the competitors but is IPS. The only downside (which is admittedly non-trivial, but small compared to what I was...