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  1. Z

    So what is the real impetus to upgrade to 4?

    It's on the new type cover which is compatible with the SP3 probably to make the SP3 compatible with Windows Hello even without the new cameras.
  2. Z

    Whoa. New "Surface Book" just shown

    No, Microsoft has a thousand OEM's who are willing to make $500 garbage PC's for them. They are doing exactly the right thing by making the category-defining, ultra-premium devices that nobody else is willing or able to make. It drives the entire industry to producing better products, and acts...
  3. Z

    Pro 4 vs. Surface Book vs. iPad Pro...

    Because of this picture: vs. this picture.
  4. Z

    Pro 4 vs. Surface Book vs. iPad Pro...

    Hmm. Now I am wondering what the actual battery life is for the 'tablet' portion of the Surface Book is. In the demo it looks like there might be a lot of empty space in there which could account for the light weight. 6 hours would be ok. 2 hours or though would be a disappointment. Anyone find...
  5. Z

    So what is the real impetus to upgrade to 4?

    It's enough to be compelling, but not so much to get me to upgrade my SP3, although I will probably go for both the new cover and the pen because they both are updated with exactly the kind of changes I've been pining for. Another year or two and I can assess whether the larger Surface Book is a...
  6. Z

    Pro 4 vs. Surface Book vs. iPad Pro...

    Higher resolution screen and slightly thinner overall. The CPU only consumes a fraction of the total device power, so given those other changes, sounds about right.
  7. Z

    Some real specs

    You have to do a custom build. The 1TB option is insanely expensive, but for businesses who want it, it won't matter.
  8. Z

    Pro 4 vs. Surface Book vs. iPad Pro...

    The tech specs on the website are incomplete at the moment for the Surface Book. The entire thing, tablet and keyboard weighs in at 3.48lbs. The tablet alone is 1.6lbs which is lighter than the SP4, but it has no kickstand and virtually no ports, hence the weight savings. Full tech specs here...
  9. Z

    Some real specs

    The pictures on the Microsoft site certainly show no sign of a usb-c port, nor do the tech specs.
  10. Z

    Looking for a reason to buy the Surface when a laptop is probably better

    It'll be interesting to see what they announce today, but I'm not expecting it to fundamentally alter the Surface format, so I don't think it will really change your decision one way or the other, unless you just want a new toy to play with. The Surface is great if you want or need the tablet...
  11. Z

    High CPU usage, Fan Blasting (Service Host?)

    Well after an entire day of struggling with this I've discovered that if I boot my Surface before I place it in the docking station, I don't have the issue. Of course that means that half of my content on my monitor when I'm docked is fuzzy due to scaling, but at least it works. If I boot up...
  12. Z

    High CPU usage, Fan Blasting (Service Host?)

    Mine doesn't appear to be anything like that. I removed the last two system updates installed last week and no change. Now I frequently get to the Desktop and Edge stops responding after a couple of tabs and I can't even get the Start menu to open. I've spent all morning on this so far without...
  13. Z

    High CPU usage, Fan Blasting (Service Host?)

    Grr. Suddenly this has gotten a lot worse this morning. Computer is basically unusable since this update. This process is using 30-40% CPU at all times, and Edge locks up on most pages, and the entire UI is too laggy to use. Trying to restore to before this update was applied, but the first...
  14. Z

    High CPU usage, Fan Blasting (Service Host?)

    I'm having the same issue - SP3 on Win 10. Seems to go away eventually, but this is a major annoyance especially as it hasn't been more than a couple of weeks since they finally fixed the SD card CPU issue!
  15. Z

    The 4k thread to end 4k threads

    I have the Dell P2715q. I download the zipped drivers from Intel, extract them, then using Device Manager point directly to the .inf file. Then open the Custom Resolutions dialogue just as you are doing.
  16. Z

    The 4k thread to end 4k threads

    I am on the i5/256GB model. I have used both the Intel driver available as of Win 10 release on July 29 and the version that they updated just recently. Again, same exact process I was using on Win 8.1.
  17. Z

    The "30% CPU at idle because of System + Interrupts" issue

    I have the problem on Win 10 on my SP3. Definitely audio related. Only occurs after wake from sleep. Opening the audio/Recording interface makes it go away temporarily. If I leave that control panel open, it goes away entirely I presume because it leaves the offending audio device active (when...
  18. Z

    The 4k thread to end 4k threads

    I am running 4k@50hz on Win 10 through the same methods necessary on 8.1...
  19. Z

    No external display on resume from hibernate

    I know that this is generally an issue with displayport - I've had the issue in one way or another across a couple of laptops/docking stations/monitors. Now my setup is a SP3 with docking station connected to a Dell 4k monitor. On 8.1 I had this issue on occasion, but it generally worked...
  20. Z

    FYI. High interrupt after sleep issue might be back

    I have been seeing this as well before today's update package anyhow. Have not yet narrowed down what it is.