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  1. Z

    Surface Pro 3 Battery Report: Full Charge Capacity at 23,324!

    I'd say the potential is definitely there for a cheap aftermarket charger to have caused the issue. The electronics in those is generally completely garbage. Leaving it charged in the dock during the day is not the issue.
  2. Z

    SP4 Pen on SP3. Anyone try it out?

    Perhaps if you petition them they'll pay your electric bill as well.
  3. Z

    Surface Pro 3 Battery Report: Full Charge Capacity at 23,324!

    Push to have it replaced if that's accurate. Battery should last at least 3 years or 1000 cycles or so.
  4. Z

    Is it worth buying the new SP4 type cover to use on my SP3?

    Huge, huge improvement IMO. From what I considered a pretty poor keyboard and pad to what would be considered pretty good on a high end laptop. The keys are way easier to feel and give much crisper feedback.
  5. Z

    Sp4 m3 about 4hrs on a charge .... Indexing?

    That looks to me like a statistic that has been made up to determine something that doesn't have much bearing in the real world. (The SP3 scores significantly better than the SP4 in that metric...) In practice the Air 2 has so much less reflection of ambient light that you can read the screen...
  6. Z

    SP4 Pen on SP3. Anyone try it out?

    I have it. I really like the new tips. The stock one and the one with even more friction are perfect for me as the writing experience feels so much more natural now. The new pen also registers light strokes much more accurately than the old one. The eraser feels great, but you do now have to...
  7. Z

    Sp4 m3 about 4hrs on a charge .... Indexing?

    Come again?? If that were so, the iPad would get just 3 hours of battery life even if it had to only power the screen. Given that I have no trouble of getting 12 hours of screen on time from my Air 2, that means there is 2.25w available to run the screen, the processor, and everything else...
  8. Z

    4K monitor not working thru new dock

    I hope to hear that these new devices are working with 2 4k at 60hz soon. The SP3 can do 2 at 50hz and these Skylake chips are supposed to do 60hz. Having them be able to do so would be a big part of the impetus for me to upgrade.
  9. Z

    Disable charging while docked?

    I'm fairly sure that discharging to 70% does not get counted as a charge cycle - otherwise I'd have way more charge cycles than the 118 I have after a year. Small discharge then recharging is not particularly harmful to the battery. Long-term storage at full charge is less than ideal, but of all...
  10. Z

    Disable charging while docked?

    It's not charging once the battery is full. The logic is smart enough to stop that. I've been using my SP3 in my charging station nearly every day since I purchased it near release day last year and my battery capacity is the same as when new.
  11. Z

    Cheaper Docking Station for SP4?

    DisplayPort works fine. There are times when it doesn't wake instantly, but there is no question that USB provides a sub-par external monitor solution. It relies on a compression/decompression scheme that is often not as smooth as native, while requiring extra CPU overhead. When docks providing...
  12. Z

    Surface 3 successor is actually Core M Surface Pro 4?

    I think the big problem of getting Core-M into the S4 is the cost. IIRC, the per-unit chip cost is something like $25 for the Atom vs. $200 for the Core-M.
  13. Z

    Cheaper Docking Station for SP4?

    How about the Surface Pro 3 dock? Seems to be available for as low as ~$150 (B&H) or under $100 used. I would not go for any dock that did not do native displayport out. Most of the cheaper docks use USB for video which is nowhere near as smooth or reliable.
  14. Z

    SP4 Type Cover arrived - does not work with SP3 Docking Station

    There's nothing misleading about it. The typecover 3 snaps into position in the dock, the new one doesn't. The difference seems to be that the new one is extremely rigid and wants to attach right at the same level as the dock catches. The old one was magnetically connected to the Surface a bit...
  15. Z

    Touchpad Issues

    If this is happening, go to Settings --> Devices --> Mouse and Touchpad and set the Touchpad Delay to No Delay (always on).
  16. Z

    Surface Book with new dock

    I thought about this as well as I was assessing whether I'd prefer a SP4 or the Surface Book. Like many of you I realized how nice the SP is on the desk in its dock. If I had the SB, I'd probably dock it with the keyboard facing the rear of the desk and the screen reversed and facing out. In...
  17. Z

    Surface Pro 3 Dock USB 3.0 ports slow

    I too can confirm that my dock seems to transfer at full speed on the usb 3.0 ports. SP3 on Win 10.
  18. Z

    Considering an SP4 M3/i5 - Does it have the power?

    It's something you will have to try for yourself. There are a number of people who have reported satisfactory performance with the retina MacBook using the Core-M processor for Photoshop/photo/video editing tasks. A number of professionals have reported that it is far more usable than people...
  19. Z

    SP4 Type Cover arrived - does not work with SP3 Docking Station

    Yeah, seems a bit silly not to support it in Windows 8 when that version supports other fingerprint readers just fine...
  20. Z

    Does the SP4 come with the interchangeable nibs??

    I also recall reading that the SP4 would not include the spare nibs.