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  1. StoicJim

    spot the Surface!

    CW's The Flash.
  2. StoicJim

    So this just happened at my local Microsoft Store!

    No luck at my MS store. They hadn't heard of any upgrade deal for the cover or pen so you really lucked out. Congratulations.
  3. StoicJim

    So this just happened at my local Microsoft Store!

    OTOH, I have to brave the shoppers and find parking at the mall on Christmas Eve.
  4. StoicJim

    So this just happened at my local Microsoft Store!

    I guess I'm making a trip to my MS Store tomorrow. :-)
  5. StoicJim

    Have Surface Pro 3, Surface 3 & Surface Book

    How, you ask , can I afford all that? I drive a 10 year old car and my only hobby is tech.