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  1. C

    new intel driver

    What is the rollback process?
  2. C

    new intel driver

    Ever since installing this, I have had absolutely ridiculous UI issues inside of Outlook 2013. Anyone else? Elements just disappear, get moved around, etc.
  3. C

    Color calibration

    So can someone with that driver share their numbers?
  4. C

    Smart lid

    Also pressing the power button is set to hibernate but when I press it, it asks me if I want to shut down
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    Smart lid

    This is where I said I was in the OP but sleep isn't an option. Just hibernate and shut down.
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    Smart lid

    Where is the setting for what happens when you close a smart lid like the keyboard? Under power settings where it says when you close the lid the only options are shut down, do nothing or hibernate but shouldn't it be sleep?
  7. C

    Color calibration

    Can someone share their numbers from the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel for color settings? I can't seem to get mine just right.
  8. C

    new intel driver

    I just tried to install it from here and got the error: "The driver being installed is not validated for this computer. Please obtain the appropriate driver from the...
  9. C

    Bumper for surface

    Does anyone find using a case makes worse the heat issue at the top right corner?
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    Custom Fan - Get More From Your SP3!

    Bends away. I don't have a 3d printer but do have some instamorph and may need to fashion something to hold it.
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    Custom Fan - Get More From Your SP3!

    I have the arctic fan. The challenge is the usb port on the side of the surface is reverse from the fan and so you cant get it perfectly lined up to point the top right corner. I have it coming out of the back of the dock and facing that corner now and it works, but is like 7" away so doesn't...
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    Bumper for surface

    Can you prop the keyboard up?
  13. C

    Bumper for surface

    how does the keyboard work with that case?
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    WiFi Issues

  15. C

    Cannot figure out why screen turning off

    OK changing the screen saver time worked. Thanks. What is funny is that I'm pretty sure it has been set to a minute for a very long time
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    Cannot figure out why screen turning off

    Refresh doesn't wipe the device I will give it a shot
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    Cannot figure out why screen turning off

    I have restarted many times. Did they ever figure out what it was that was doing it? I wonder if a "refresh" would fix? I don't have much installed from the Windows store.
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    Cannot figure out why screen turning off

    Ok - this is driving me nuts! I have a SP3 i5/256gb and don't know what I did last week but the screen is turning off after a minute, regardless of on power vs. battery. See screenshots here. My screensaver says "1 minute" but also "none". I just needed to have it require password on wakeup but...
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    Cooling Pad Benchmark SP3 I5

    Has anyone figured out a decent way to have a cooling pad and the dock?
  20. C

    Bluetooth Settings for Audio

    No one has any ideas?