I think cloud means it is music you own that has been matched to their online store so you can listen to the marked tracks anywhere for free when you're signed in on that account.
I would like to plug in my external DVD drive and watch DVDs and/or rip a DVD to the hard drive or USB key and watch that. I assume PowerDVD doesn't get me anywhere nearer this though...?
Was in their Peter Jones store this morning and it was there, albeit in a very small display. Some interest from passers by. Advertising it as coming with Office Preview is strictly correct I guess but is under-cooking one of the main selling points for a lot of people I'd have thought.
4 - louder would be a nice to have but I don't find it too much of a problem. 2 - yes, I hope an update fixes this soon. One of the more annoying v1 issues.
The Economist has just been launched. It's very good. TuneIn radio is a great app too, although I don't know why it takes so long to open a stream once you have selected it. Enjoying the SNES emulator too!
Still three rows here, after the updates. Installed them through Metro, then checked in Desktop and one update was still outstanding - the one to do with the camera I think it was.
iPad 4 vs Surface RT: Close But No Cigar, Microsoft | Autoomobile
For starters, no mention of Office, USB port, microSD port, freedom from iTunes, better (if not perfect) Flash implementation, Windows 8...
Only 899,999?! What an amateur, I have several million on my iPad. I've got loads of space you see from using all its expandable memory slots for my media.
Thanks Rallicat, I will certainly send a complaint. The good points he selects are merely mentioned in passing - e.g. the fact it runs Office, has a USB port etc. Some are totally ignored - e.g. that it has a microSD port, that this combined with the USB port gives much more storage than the...