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  1. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Ok, allow me to make it easier. Dude who contributes basically nothing calls dude who contributes a lot "toxic". It's comical. Anyway, my last word on the subject because no one else cares. :) P.S. If you think my opinions regarding W10's few shortcomings are unusual, you should read other...
  2. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Lemme school you bro. Look at my avatar. You see those 528 likes received and the 113 trophy points? Now look at yours. If you're not embarrassed you should be. P.S., 6000 times? Google "hyperbole".
  3. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Wow, if I gave a damn (even a little) about what you think that might hurt. :rolleyes:
  4. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Just installed Avast. SP3 running pretty much silent. Wouldn't that be weird if all that fan BS was Defender? Would make sense why some folks were having no fan issues and others were.
  5. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Did it make avast difference? Sorry, hanging curveball. :-)
  6. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Ok, here's what I don't get. This is a screen cap of the new "wide" animated tile from the Start Menu. As you can see, the entire bottom quarter of the tile is useless empty space. Why not make the colored area only one line tall showing more picture, or add 2 lines of text? This is what I...
  7. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Thanks that's not it.
  8. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Does anyone know the Registry Settings in W10 for setting Gamma? Can't find it anywhere. Thanks, < begin rant> ** You know, I wouldn't mind so much that MS has gotten rid of the HD Control Center, but it's the fact they INSIST on replacing the stock Intel Drivers with their on special lame...
  9. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Who knows? I'm looking to get hacked so I can blame all my personal screwups on them. :) Seriously though, the ISO's I've gotten from Mega have been linked from reputable sites and nothing as has ever fired up my anti-virus software. Risk free? Nope. Crazy risky? Probably nope as well.
  10. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    I honestly believe TPTB at MS are intentionally leaving the Start Button/Menu relatively featureless because if they make it AMAZING, the critics will say, "Damn, if you could do THIS all along, why did you ever get rid of it?!" Adding a ton of cool features to the Start Menu (tile templates...
  11. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Do a clean install or it might hang on you.
  12. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Wish I knew why gamma setting never sticks in these builds. You can set gamma, but then after coming out of sleep, it resets to the default and you have to do it all over again. C'mon MS, either give us back the HD Control Center << this!! or fix your settings so they are reliable. Why do...
  13. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3!UQ1EUCIL!VnWzAfzWTJ7iVx0ygYVr3EQLQ5hEhAhqNonaFpnXvAQ I had to do full wipe option from 8.1 to get it to install. Hung up if I tried just upgrade.
  14. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    I agree that W10 will get better. Their engineers have to do something all day. :-) But I think the main issue here is that the basic design vision of W10 is what it is going to be unless the pubic raises a HUGE fuss. Even with the negative reaction to W8, MS was glacially slow improving...
  15. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    10135 Impressions: 1) First W10 build for me yet where the fan has been silent except when it is supposed to be noisy (running video or syncing Dropbox). This is great news although not completely unexpected. 2) Tried installing from ISO over 8.1 without a full wipe. Got stuck 90% of the way...
  16. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Really? You might unsubscribe? How could we possibly carry on? :rolleyes: Hey, if flat, dull and almost featureless is your bag, I'm sure the new Start Menu is your dream interface. I like eye candy and choices, sue me. ** Here's a few ideas that would have been cool: Create Tile...
  17. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Newest version of Edge does allow you to import favorites. Edge 16.10134.
  18. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Word is that all of the features W10 is going to have are already baked in. All future builds will be tweaks to improve performance, etc. Visually, at least, W10 is what it will be. Period. So, as I predicted, MS has decided to forgo a huge opportunity to make the Start Menu really something...
  19. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    I guess that's what has confused me the most about W10. W8.1 was solid in so many ways - it really just needed some fresh tires and a new coat of paint. Fix the Start Menu, make it faster, improve power management and give it a fresh look. Bamm, done. It's like I brought my car in with a flat...
  20. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Yes, Microsoft "used to" believe in user customization but that died when they replaced menus with ribbons in their Office products. Since then they have gone further and further away from user choices in real time. This is not because of constant "start-overs" but because MS decided when they...