Search results

  1. H

    Surface as a TV screen

    A ps3. Just trying to fnd the cheapest method without resorting to buying a television and wondered if this might work.
  2. H

    Surface as a TV screen

    OK, I know that people have asked about using a surface as an external monitor, and I suddenly thought about this. Chances are it's a load of rubbish :D Here goes Could you use a USB tv tuner to turn the surface into a TV screen of sorts? I'm not sure if they allow you to view the stream...
  3. H

    Windows update and bandwidth. How does it work?

    Thanks Jeff. That's how I figured it would work (in far less technical terms :p). Obviously it is not working for me though, and this occurs on different machines with different wireless adapters on different internet connections using different routers and hubs.
  4. H

    Windows update and bandwidth. How does it work?

    Router is a basic provider branded affair, so I doubt it. CPU was absolutely fine. As I say, for 4 hours the internet was totally unusable on this machine, while all other devices in the house were fine. The instant the download completed everything was back to normal. I have had the same issue...
  5. H

    Windows update and bandwidth. How does it work?

    Wondering if anyone can offer any insight as to how windows update works regarding internet bandwidth. Currently downloading a new build, and task manager is telling me that it is using roughly 2mbps. The internet connection is a stable 50mbps (as tested on my phone at the time of the update...
  6. H

    Surface Pro 2017 - Overclocking

    These devices are really not designed to be overclocked, and are pushing the barrier for thermal limits as it is.
  7. H

    A new age - Windows 10 on ARM devices

    Was reading the engadget articles yesterday. The dimensions of these things are just amazing considering they are running windows. I really hope MS make something themselves with this. An S3 at half the thickness etc would be pretty sweet!
  8. H

    Connect surface pro 3,4 docking station

    Welcome. I'd have thought it would just be a pair of mini display port to hdmi cables.
  9. H

    Why no detailed reviews on SB2?

    Anand take untold months to get reviews out following release. Check again in the summer :) they were never great, but it's certainly gone a bit downhill since his departure imo.
  10. H

    SB 2 15" Review

    Would love to see how this handles ARK once it throttles back to stop the battery discharge.
  11. H

    Surface Book 2 - will you buy/upgrade?

    Have to say I'm a bit put off Microsoft at this point. They've essentially done a "You're holding it wrong" and said that gamers not liking the throttling and battery drain just bought the wrong device.
  12. H

    battery drain 10 % per day in full shutdown

    Is it really shut down if the firmer scenario? Just wondering if closing the lid makes the tablet want to sleep/hibernate and windows gets confused. I know I've experienced similar with my sp4 occasionally, and I'll pull it out of my bag to find it in sleep rather than powered off.
  13. H

    battery drain 10 % per day in full shutdown

    You say it's a big problem for everyone, but that's certainly not my experience. If I were having this issue I'd just contact Microsoft. You seem to have put an awful lot of work in when it could possibly just have taken no more than 5 minutes on live chat for a warranty replacement.
  14. H

    Docking station for SP 2017 - need advise

    It was not latency issues, but rather stuttering. This occured both playing games, as well as just browsing the web. The mouse would just stutter/jitter around the screen. I lived with it for desktop use, but for gaming I had no choice but to use the dock at the time, so had to play a counter...
  15. H

    Docking station for SP 2017 - need advise

    Just search for displaylink docks. They're largely all the same thing with a different badge on the front. They're ok, but the performance (especially a jittery mouse) led me to just stick mine in a drawer and buy the MS one which is far superior, even if not universal.
  16. H

    Why no detailed reviews on SB2?

    Sounds like a load of crap to me. It makes no difference if it was a concious design decision, it is still a fairly serious flaw. Did they not learn from the feedback with the SP3? People do not want throttling, to the extent that they'll start hanging fans off the back of the thing just to be...
  17. H

    Why is everyone crying about Thunderbolt 3?

    To me it just sounds like the uproar when a phone doesn't have an SD card etc. It's not always in a companies interest to invest resources into trying to please a very small but vocal minority. Others have suggested that there may be hardware limitations regarding available pcie lanes. I...
  18. H

    Why no detailed reviews on SB2?

    MS better work out a way to sort out the discharge issue. That will be a huge turn off for power users. Pretty inexcusable.
  19. H

    Missing storage on SP4?

    Have you checked to see if there is a windows.old folder in your C drive? This will occur after updates and take up an extra 20gb, and can be removed via disk cleanup. Also worth looking at how big your appdata folder is.
  20. H

    SP4 i7 Loud Fan

    While the CPU is not under a lot of strain according to your screenshots, what about the GPU? Even old games can still utilize a lot of GPU resources (for reference I just ran freelancer, and a cut scene resulted in medium cpu usage, but the GPU was being heavily utilized). For some reason your...