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  1. Compusmurf

    MAY firmware update

    Folks, Anyone have a downloaded copy of the MAY firmware SP3 package? I'm doing some research and I can't find my archived copy. If so, post me a share so I can grab it.
  2. Compusmurf

    Well I found one thing my Lumia 640 XL does really well.

    Lol, you "still" haven't rolled it back yet? You must really like to punish yourself.
  3. Compusmurf

    Heating, fan ON and Memory drain

    Mem use is ok. System uses it for cache and stuff. Unused memory = wasted memory. Sort by cpu so we can see what's using it. You're not showing us much with that screenshot.
  4. Compusmurf

    with a constantly blaring fan and worse touch controls, is windows 10 a loser for the SP3?

    The right click issue is known and MS is working on it. The fan issue. You have to narrow down some. There's an ACPI bug that occurs after wakeup from sleep that pushes the IRQ rate to 20% give or take. Only fix known right now is reboot. MS is aware of the issue, unknown if a valid fix is...
  5. Compusmurf

    bizarre touch screen

    plenty more if you browse their site. :) I gave only 1 example. LOL Sad huh?
  6. Compusmurf

    bizarre touch screen

    Link to follow others. Windows 10 on Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Tap touch screen right clicks instead of left clicks
  7. Compusmurf

    bizarre touch screen

    Known issue, MS is working a fix. Rumor says patch next patch set.. We will see.
  8. Compusmurf

    Found an interesting tweaking tool

    Tried that one in the past, caused some issues. Keep your backups updated. I no longer use all in one tools because you never know what they do behind the scenes. do my own through registry and have fallbacks.
  9. Compusmurf

    I'm trying very hard not to throw this phone up against the wall :(

    You are lucky, I have it"running" on a 640 spare. Running is pretty loose term, sometimes things just act up and I feel the OP's pain. I can't trust it yet, but might be cool in the future.
  10. Compusmurf

    I'm trying very hard not to throw this phone up against the wall :(

    Heck, the phone part is flaky on w10mob still. If you rely upon it for anything at all, don't use the preview. It isn't even as stable as the very first pc build was last year. My opinion of course. Fun to peek and see, not stable for real world. Is why they beg every day on Twitter for...
  11. Compusmurf

    A stroll down Windows memory lane

    I used it for awhile. 1.2 and 1.3 were sad. 2.0 wasn't too bad, warp 3 and 4 were quite well done, but it was much too little, too late. The underlying kernel design was awesome and still used today. Ahh, the old days.
  12. Compusmurf

    I'm trying very hard not to throw this phone up against the wall :(

    Win 10 mobile is horrible right now. Nothing but problem after problem. The beta is bad, apps are not even 1/2 ready yet. I'd suggest WPRT back to 8.1 and wait for a few more releases unless you want these headaches.
  13. Compusmurf

    A stroll down Windows memory lane

    They left out mention of OS/2 which is what lead to the NT series. MS had a huge hand in it.
  14. Compusmurf

    New Surface w Paperwhite Display

    Ugh, no thanks. Great for reading.. But imo, that's it. I like my colorful world.
  15. Compusmurf

    Is It My Imagination, or Has Latest Win10 Update Reduced Heat & Fan Running Somewhat?

    I was posting in general, but yeah. Cross sync bites you every time, esp if you have mixed os's.
  16. Compusmurf

    Is It My Imagination, or Has Latest Win10 Update Reduced Heat & Fan Running Somewhat?

    Another gotcha that many folks fall for. All in one tweak tools, registry cleaning tools, optimization tools. Folks, these are BAD news and almost always cause unintended consequences. If you do NOT know how to make your tweaks via powershell or manual registry changes and do NOT know what...
  17. Compusmurf

    totally ripped off

    Can also find some of the stupidest folks on the planet there too. Great for a good laugh.
  18. Compusmurf

    Is It My Imagination, or Has Latest Win10 Update Reduced Heat & Fan Running Somewhat?

    It's all going to end up being a bad driver somewhere. Million dollar question is, which one. I'm going to place a bet that it'll be usb/sd card related drivers. I can also state with a fair bit of certainty that the Bluetooth driver isn't very optimized. I've had to disable all the...
  19. Compusmurf

    Is It My Imagination, or Has Latest Win10 Update Reduced Heat & Fan Running Somewhat?

    I've never reset or refreshed my machine and I don't have most of the issues others have. The high irq problem comes and goes, almost always after a sleep. I will tell you, I don't use most of the supplied drivers. I have updated the windows chipset util, I use the very latest intel drivers...
  20. Compusmurf

    totally ripped off

    Slumming? Maybe, but sorting the good tidbits from the fluff pays off many times.