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  1. R

    More Surface tablets sold online in October than iPad tablets

    The title of the source graph is "Online Tablet Share Trending BY BRAND." The "brand" that achieved 45% market share online was Microsoft. The other two "brands" are Apple and Amazon. If your claim is that they say Microsoft to refer to all tablets that use their OS, then why is Amazon not...
  2. R

    More Surface tablets sold online in October than iPad tablets

    Here's how Business Insider interprets the data: "For the month, Microsoft took 45% of online purchases of tablets by revenue compared to Apple at 17%." They do NOT say "all 2-in-1's including the Surface." They say "Microsoft," pure and simple.
  3. R

    More Surface tablets sold online in October than iPad tablets

    But I can survey people who buy ALL brands of two-in-ones and still come to a conclusion as to which one is selling the most. The fact that they surveyed people who bought Lenovo or Asus 2-in-ones does not make it impossible to come to a conclusion that the Surface is selling more....especially...
  4. R

    More Surface tablets sold online in October than iPad tablets

    Actually you can kind of see for yourself that the info is correct, that Microsoft is selling more Surfaces online than Apple is, just by going to Amazon and counting how many people are reviewing each tablet each week. The Surface Pro 4 consistently holds the lead for number of reviews per week.
  5. R

    More Surface tablets sold online in October than iPad tablets

    I think you're the one who is incorrect here....unless Winbeta is straight up lying about what the source material says. The graph that they post shows MICROSOFT, not "All Windows tablets," with a 45% market share for last October. (And everyone else that I'm seeing who is commenting on this...
  6. R

    More Surface tablets sold online in October than iPad tablets

    It's the first month ever that the number one selling tablet brand sold online was Surface: October, Microsoft took 45% of the online market: Microsoft beats Apple in online tablet sales
  7. R

    Do I Miss My Surface Pro 4?

    Do all of the features of the new Pen even work on the Surface Pro 3? I know they don't on my old Surface 3. It writes on the Surface 3, but I can't get the button to call up Onenote or Cortana. And it won't magnetically attach to the tablet. And crazy as it sounds, these features of the new...
  8. R

    Have you sent your SP4 back?

    Why would I send back the best computer I've ever had?
  9. R

    (Poll) Does Using Browser Other Than Edge Fix Driver Crash

    Not to throw a wrench into the theory that ad-blocking is the key.....but I just did a test. Someone posted a link earlier: France launches air strikes in Syria; Paris investigation widens . Supposedly most people who have the driver crashes will have it on this page. Sure enough, after I saw...
  10. R

    (Poll) Does Using Browser Other Than Edge Fix Driver Crash

    A number of people have had issues with the Intel Display Driver crashing and then recovering. Many have reported that if they use a browser other than Edge, this is no longer an issue--leading to a belief that the crash is connected, not with the Surface device, but with Win 10 and the new Edge...
  11. R

    Just new SP4 display crashing

    Yes, I'm aware that of the scores of people who have reported this issue, there are 2 or 3 who report having it without using Edge. However, given the overwhelming number of people who eliminated the issue by using other browsers, I don't think your almost-unique situation invalidates the...
  12. R

    Just new SP4 display crashing

    I should mention that there is an overwhelming consensus that the display driver issues are connected with Edge browser and that if you use a different browser, you will probably be fine. (Others on other devices with Win 10 and Edge experience the same crashes).
  13. R

    Display Driver Crashing

    I doubt you will. I experienced the crash on both my Surface 3 and Surface Pro 4 with Edge browser....but neither device ever had it while using Chrome. That's why I don't understand people getting so frustrated about this, to the point of returning an otherwise excellent device....It's so...
  14. R

    On the fence - used Surface Pro 3 or New 4

    Is it a used one or refurbished one? Personally, I have never, one time, had a positive experience buying a used computer from a private party. It's never lasted more than a few months without major issues.
  15. R

    Surface Pro 4 top issues

    Ah ok, my apologies then.
  16. R

    Surface Pro 4 top issues

    I'm sorry, but even that seems painfully picky to me. So your complaint is that you lose 1% battery life IN TWO HOURS? And you've at some point in your life had a tablet that did better than that? How on earth can it be a real-world problem that affects you in a meaningful way that, after...
  17. R

    Surface Pro 4 top issues

    I hope you mistyped that percentage..... because if you didn't, then your OCD is more an issue than the battery drain. What you've typed is that you are losing 1/20 of one percent per hour. So in other words, in 20 hours, you will lose 1 percent. If what you meant is that you lose 5% every...
  18. R

    Display Driver Crashing

    Which is more proof that this is a Windows 10 / Intel issue, not a Surface Pro 4 issue. Like I've said before, I had the same issue on the Surface 3, and you can google practically any newer laptop name along with "Windows 10" and "display driver crash" and find that others are having the same...
  19. R

    Display Driver Crashing

    I think this is a good point. The most annoying part of the crashes is the message saying it crashed and recovered. If they would just eliminate this, it would be a huge improvement. (What's the point anyway? It's like someone who makes a right turn in his car and THEN turns on his right-turn...
  20. R

    Display Driver Crashing

    Because to me, the ability to pin Chrome apps to your Start Menu / Screen makes it seem as though this browser is almost designed for Windows 10. And considering I never use my Surface away from power for more than 6 hours anyway (and 6 hours was the most I've ever gotten from a laptop), the...