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  1. N

    remap keyboard-brightness buttons to volume?

    By using the added reg-key, i mapped the volume to [F1] & [F2]. [FN] & [F1] in original or once press [FN]+[CAPS-LOCK] to always only use the [Fx] keys. As this does not need a program in the background, I prefere this way. After applying, the surface needs a restart and then it works. Just...
  2. N


    :oops:my wife doesn't allow me to wear her cloths...
  3. N

    double pen entry

    I had good luck, that my old one was still at the service center. So I connected the old pen and then I could remove it without an error message. Now everything looks fine.
  4. N


    So - after well thinking about it, I decided not to accept these color failures and could exchange my SP3! The shop was very friendly and easily changed it - they also did not see it before. I think I now know how it happened - often when I work on the sofa I have my feet on the sofa and the...
  5. N

    double pen entry

    Since I changed my SP3 and recovered the new one with my hd copy, i have two pen entries in bluetooth settings and can not remove the "false" one - I always get an error message. Any idea how i can correct this?
  6. N

    To Surface 3 or not to...

    I just changed from a mac book and am absulutely satisfied. Best choice ever! I only have the hibernation bug (after deep sleep, my wifi has limited conectivity) but so i switch wifi off and on again and everything is fine (5 GHz). I use it eg for video editing and have no temperature problems...
  7. N


    I feel so too - I do not see it, it does not effect my performance and so I think I will keep it... :rolleyes: It actualy seems to be some kind of plastic foil they tried to cover with (magnesium?) paint. Is there any function in the stand - beside of its name?
  8. N


    Hello, I found this strange problem. As you can see it is at the footer where never anything touches, but the colour/paint is gone! Any ideas?
  9. N

    Three to Four Hour Battery Life

    At my beginning (i7 256) I also only reached ~3,5 but less than 4 hours. After reading all battery threads and getting more used to Windows (formal Mac user) I started to only use MUI-IE as I felt a lower CPU usage. Now i usualy reach 5-6 hours although I also do video editing some times.